System Pics 2024

I am using the same model Harbeths with Nait 50 and it is delightful ( in my case with classic 301 turntable).


I was hoping it was a pre-production SuperNova!

Keep an eye out for that one!

You should try those LSX’s on an IsoAcoustics stand… you maybe amazed at the difference. I was.

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So you have a Hydra… What are you using the Sigma on ? I use mostly Alpha v.2 , XE on my Denali and NR on my streamer and amp. It’s a pity more folks here don’t demo Shunyata equipment in their systems


I use a Sigma v2 XC to the Hydra, and NR to my streamer and amp. I went with Alpha v2 speaker cables. There was nothing wrong with Nordost cables, in fact i chose one as a tonearm cable, but overall Shunyata proved to be a better value. The cable demo test was an eye opener for me. In terms of making the biggest difference among cables, it went: tonearm cable, digital, power, speaker, then interconnects. The difference was as big as upgrading components.

Hi everyone,

Thanks so much for your messages. I started my chemo on monday. Had intravenous chemo cocktails pumped into my system for 7 hours. Was half asleep for most of it. Have had various side effects including heatburn, constipation, vomitting and now a cold, and it’s only been a few days.

It will be all be worth it though. I know this treatment will give me more time to enjoy the very best life. Just remember every day alive is a good day!

And you guys are awesome!

I have loads of messages from our leader @Richard.Dane with your email addresses. I will start replying this weekend. Richard is planning a Naim visit for me after my chemo treatment ends in about 18 weeks. My immunity to colds and infections is going to be very poor with the chemo so it’s difficult to meet up until then.

I would like nothing more than to meet up with a group of you guys and visit Naim HQ and chat about everything Naim and music and celebrate this wonderful life. It’s been planned for a day during the week. If you can make it it would be great.

@Richard.Dane I hope you don’t mind me saying this, you might find the whole forum wants to come along. Lol!

I have been working since tuesday and enjoying my building work. It’s a long tern project and the customers are very understanding and can work what hours I like as they know my situation.

Well, my system is sounding fabulous this evening. Listening to LP12, working my way through Led Zeppelin albums. Am on Led Zepp 2 now. Sounds awesome.

Enjoy your evening! Peace and love,



I’m pleased to read your post, Dan. I was thinking about you and wondering how you were getting on earlier today. Chemo is always grim, from what I hear, and at least you’ve started. It’s great that you have the flexibility with your work, as I’m sure you’d be driven potty if you had to do nothing.


Thanks HH, the chemo is every 3 weeks. Worst affects are in first three days. 6 cycles in total. I haven’t had a cold for years. So that’s a pain. Felt rough at times for sure, but ploughing through.

The biggest upset is I can’t see my 4 kids if they are ill. And they are all ill with various ailments.

Have been told immunity to infection is virtually zero between days 3 and 14 and then things get better!

I guess the first three weeks will be a guide to how the rest plays out.

Much as I like listening to music, tinkering with my system and enjoying my home and time with kids, I have drive and a purpose!

So back to work again tomorrow.


You and others here are inspirational in how you handle facing these challenges.


Pleased to read your post as well - was looking all days as i remember your chemo started on Monday. Stay positive - side effects are hell.
Thanks for posting - all thoughts and energy transferred to you!


All the best for you @Dan_M :+1: I admire you for your strength and courage. I hope you would have a good way through these hard weeks


The chemo kills all the rapid growing cells in the body meaning also the immunity system gets down to zero just like hair cells that is also rapid growing and that’s why one eventually loose the hair but not always the eye brows (I didn’t). In this process the cancer cells are also hit since they are also rapid growing. Don’t forget to rest too. The body gets a tough hit by the chemo and need to get energy back.

Stay strong even if it’s for sure not an easy one :green_heart:

PS: Would love to visit the Naim factory and team up one day even if it’s a long long travel :slight_smile:


Stay strong……the Naim visit is brilliant.

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Good evening Dan,

It’s good to hear from you. Your positivity is really terrific and I’m sure that it will be an asset in the weeks and months to come.

I’m sure that you are already feeling all of the good vibrations (!) coming from your friends on the forum and there will be more to come in the next few days. Hang on in there and feel the love!

Best wishes,

Brian D.


Thanks, I will have an early night tonight and rest up at the weekend. Music and TV at weekend. No kids.


Thanks for the update @Dan_M

I hope the side effects subside, my advice after going through chemo is to let the cancer centre know if the side effects are really bad and also let them know about having a cold. I didn’t and suffered needlessly for this for two rounds, then once told they changed my meds and the vomiting and nausea were better managed.

Your weekend plan sounds like a good way to spend it. Hope you enjoy it.


I phoned the 24 hour helpline when I was vomiting for the third time on tuesday nighy and they advised taking another medication which I still had from my previous chemoradiation treatments a year ago. That was hell to be honest and I ended up on morphine for 4 months afterwards.

I will see how things go. I am monitoring my temperature and have read all the info pack.

It’s difficult as you have to be careful with food, drink, everything.

Not much fun. But the options are limited :grin:

So putting a brave face on it and trying to enjoy every day!


Maybe ask your consultant if you can take Omeprazole or something similar to reduce acid reflux which is giving you the gastric problems.

Rooting for you!


That’s what I am taking now. I had some left over from a year ago. It did the job and has eased stomach acid. Am taking laxatives as it’s all a knock on affect of the constipation leading to acid reflux. They should kick in soon hopefully!