System Pics 2024

Here’s my system 2 which has evolved into a fab AV system, with the Nait 50 & Neat Petite Classics delivering the goods.

Currently enjoying Mr Hackett live. All sounding superb :slightly_smiling_face:


That looks like a fun system. Good to see the NAIT50 combined with the Neats :sunglasses:


How big is your room?

A modest 10’ x 11.5’ - perfect size for the Nait and the Neats :+1:t3:


Finally arrived and set up!


I am so sorry to hear this, Dan. It is my most sincere wish that you had a life well-lived and surrounded by love, for I’ve heard it said that we don’t fear death, but a life unfulfilled

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cracking sounding speakers those Neats.

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Looking forward to seeing the Epos 11’s :+1:

IBL s finally going active again, being Snaxo & HC returned from service. The former now @ correct levels for IBL, & serviced The latter fully serviced, actually It was Dr’ ed already. Right now with first tracks, Is much better balanced with fuller bass
Fraim set up still temporary, i’ m waiting for different legs height


Qute vs Epos 11 , i think is great.


Naim and a black cat, are great foundations toward achieving a perfect home.


Lovely system , I could see myself with similar if I move .

Thing that gets me is that ATC suggest a 75 - 300 watt amplifier and there you have a little Atom driving what should be speakers way beyond it’s capacity

I love the picture on the wall

best wishes


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Ian, that is why Naim have introduced the new Uniti Nova PE.

Just for you…

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Already bought one new Naim amplifier in the last twelve months ,

If I downsize I may simplify my system

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Couldn’t be simpler than a Nova PE & a pair of speakers…

Yes, I don’t think a Supernova and living in a flat are mutually compatible

He Always has a soft spot for new boxes :slightly_smiling_face:

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Its the green eyes



You don’t have to play it ‘flat’ out.

If it’s as good as the price suggests it should be, I would expect it to sound pretty special with a range of speakers at moderate volumes.