System Pics 2024

Just curious why you have a Muso on the carpet…

It was on duty before the Atom so just somewhere to store before I move it in!


Change of rack from Quadraspire to Isoblue Special Branch.

Intent is to get my folks’ old 1970s B&O turntable back in use here, and go pre/power soonish. The lower profile of the Isoblue shelves means I can go higher (2 shelves still in the box) without creating too much of a tech skyscraper.

Much more aesthetically-pleasing to me. Predictably, my wife prefers the old rack :slightly_smiling_face:

Not sure if it’s psychosomatic, or the cable dressing I did with the rebuild helped, but everything sounds less cluttered, if that’s the right adjective.


You need a turntable on the top shelf. Even if you don’t use it :joy:


Alternatively, you need a Turntable on the top shelf and make ‘good’ use of it…:wink:


Been in a box for 30+ years. In pristine condition but needs looking at first.

But yes, needs to go on before my wife puts a plant on it!

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I’m intrigued as to what it is?

See his post above - a 1970s B&O turntable.

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You need to get the speakers off the floor. :scream:


I must pay more attention :blush:

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They’re on spikes

Oh good couldn’t see any and they are a bit low. :wink:

Just these surprisingly-well-made-for-the-price ones from Jeff Bezos. I’ve seen these speakers on low stands and don’t think they look great.

Looked at things like Isoacoustics feet but a lot of money.


Thank you for sharing that was a surprise. :+1:t2:

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I would have expected them to sound better if they were raised up on stands though.

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Yep I’m sure they would. But they sound great as-is, and my listening chair is low-slung enough that I’m pretty much in line with the tweeters anyway.

I really don’t like the look on the stands from photos I’ve seen, and their lowish stance means my wife doesn’t disapprove despite their actual size.

Improvements are imminent though from recapping and rewiring. And externally they’ll get a sanding/staining to a slightly warmer brown. And new grille fabric, perhaps a charcoal grey to be slightly less oppressive.

Same age as me (50 :sob:) … if only I could get a similar makeover!

I’m not trying to be blunt but for me, it’s still source first and nothing marketing “balance”.

I have a few LP12s and my second best is a full Klimax but the cart. The cart is an Audio Technica ML95SH. Compared to the previous set up on that deck, Ekos2 and Akiva, it’s MUCH better.

Not functional yet. Need a phono stage and one with a DIN input for the built-in lead.

But had to get this on the shelf before some pot plant or Jo Malone candle took up residence :slight_smile:


Sonic Youth


@Catcat …glorious turntable. Had one circa 1978…bought for it’s looks and to impress pals. Wish I still had it now. But that would be 4 turntables in the house…someone might object!