System Pics 2024


It doubles up as a shelf, when I’m not playing records

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You made it @Mark63. Congratulations on your new finished set up!

Nice one, Mark.

Enjoy :sunglasses:

Time to update your profile? I’m sure you’ll really enjoy your new system long after the shock of the cost has been forgotten!

@Pete_the_painter @GeoffC @love_leeloo @naimophile @james_n @MrFixit

Cheers everyone, extremely happy with it :slightly_smiling_face:

@Dan_M thanks … finished with these four boxes definitely, and that’s actually a really nice feeling :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ll get my profile updated!


Don’t they save never say never ……….? Resistance is futile ….

Seriously though, I bet it sounds amazing. Enjoy the music.

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It certainly takes will power if you come on here frequently! :slightly_smiling_face:

very nice. I see you have a couple of empty shelf spaces there - waiting for power supplies?


I knew someone would ask what others were thinking… :rofl:


You have copied and pasted a pic from an Hifi magazine! It’s not fair :joy:


No, no, no :joy:

What make and model are the platforms under your devices and how do you rate them?

A few changes🤣

252 SC and ATC 40a gone😕

Thrax ares with built in Dac and Avalon PM1 arrived.

So system is analog: Naim Solstice

Digital: Innuos phoenix net > Innuos pulsar > Brinkmann nyquist or Dac in Ares

Amplification: Thrax Ares integrated

Speakers: Avalon PM1 v1

Cables TQ Ultra Black

Need to do something with the holes in the wall!


It’s good to see something different, and you seem to have lots of other unused stuff too, quite a collection. Doesn’t that bright light get in your eyes when you are listening to music? It would really upset me.

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Thanks. I do have a bit of gear but am reducing it slowly!

Sold ndac, XPs dr, Hugo TT2 recently. Traded in 252/SC and ATCs, I have a T&A Dac 200 which I plan to use in a second system and will sell the Nyquist if the built in Dac proves worthwhile!

As for the light, I listen with my eyes closed but it does have 3 brightness levels!

They’re my own, prototypes I made quite a while ago. The bottom shelves are on 3 spikes to spike shoes on the floor through holes I cut out in the bottom of the ikea unit (don’t tell my wife!). The whole unit is decoupled from the shelves, you can move it independently. The upper shelf has three legs with stainless steel spikes and shoes.

The black prototypes are 18 mm MDF, the grey one under the 332 is the start of me making the final ones. It’s made from the same material as the speakers, 19 mm Valchromat and will be black when the finish is applied. Need to order more to make up the rest.

Then 10 mm toughened glass made up by a local glazier sits on Fraim cups and balls.

The best I can do given the space I have.


Guys, i’ m quite embarassed. I Just connected a 22 yo cheap Sony DVD player to Nait50 nSat and It seems miles than CDX2 202/ 2x200 active IBL. There Is much more dynamics, bass extension and flow. IBLs seems leaner, the midrange, especially some voices seem brittle sometimes. Snaxo has just been serviced and at factory specs, -4 for bass and -7 for treble. Definetely are more balanced in passive mode perhaps. Tomorow Max B and Claunc Will come along for a second opinion


Do the ibls have renewed tweeters?

No, still the originals '89 build. However It seems there Is better flow cohesion and flow among bands in passive mode