System Pics 2024

Assuming everything in the active system is working properly and connected correctly (in phase etc.) could it be the room? Perhaps the Nait 50/N-sat combination does not create as many room issues as a more powerful active system?

I can see a large rug but there do look to be quite a few hard, reflective surfaces that might cause issues. Also, if the Sony DVD player is anything like the ‘budget’ Sony CDPs I’ve heard then they are quite clear but also quite smooth in the high frequencies - an easier listen?


I just installed my 1” thick granite slabs under my Lumin P1 and Nagra Classic amp. Not sure if they affect the sound yet, but they were just taking up space, so decided to try them out.
Different than last year, I have been running the DB7’s with the grills on, kind of like the discrete look better.


Ok, rooms are pretty equally good. We’ll check connections. It seems Better than first dealer installation with Snaxo at SL2 specs but not yet totally convincing

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I wonder if something needs servicing?

Naim were appalled when I said a Audiolab 6000 CDT was outperforming my CDX2, back went the CDX 2, and ( cutting a long story short) when it came back it was a lot better

The Nait 50 is a superb amp , and I think you may be surprised :flushed: at what it is capable of.

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The Audiolab 6000 CDT is an excellent transport.

Edit: I forgot to mention that I’m saying that cause I own one.


The 7000CDT with the tray load and large screen is definitely a touch better than the slot load and tiny screen of the 6000CDT, IMHO😉

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For the money superb , I think pound per sound it was hard to beat ( now discontinued?)

Do you have it attached to your DAC V1?

Best wishes


I see your 7000, and raise you the 9000… :grin:


I’ve found the 6000 is far superior to the flashy 7000 :rofl::rofl:

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Should have gone for the 4000.


Yes I had it connected to my NDX2 but I wanted a different sound. I find the blacks are now much inky. :grin:

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You want ‘Flashy’, go 9000 via nDac. :wink: :joy:
7000/NDX2 is not ‘Flashy’ it’s right in the Goldilocks Zone for me.
YMMV of course. :sunglasses:

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…but where’s your nDac Neil?:wink:

Come on all that power gets drained to run that large screen. The much leaner 6000 is the sweet spot. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


One day…. :joy:

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Very nice.

Did similar last year, but two amps for active speakers.



Hi @DiggyGun
Demo’d this a few days ago and yes I lied it. Do you think you will be tempted to go down the external 4 channel amp route, if Linn were to upgrade their 4200? or possibly even consider bi-amping using Naim?

No. I like the one box solution into the Kudos Titan 606 speakers.

Went from a ten box system into one.

We much prefer the cleaner look as well.



Is that all it does? Not a streaming device or amplifier? :thinking:

Yep that’s all it does, connect using my phone to listen to pod casts, sometimes music, if I’m pottering around the house,
It was a custom build fora previous Naim owner, I did have lfi zen 2,
This popped up,
Tried it, liked it more
Has its own Internal power source
And din connection
I’ll take picture of the back shortly,

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