System Pics 2024

@Zupfgeiger … what I meant was that I auditioned them in a very small room cos the dealer told me it’s non bloomy … indeed …:sweat_smile: not your room I was referring to …

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My poor English.

No worries… :laughing:… I like this pair of speakers … they amazed me … I would love to have them too

Apart from the excellent Marten speakers what surprises me most is the incredible sound quality of the Gryphon amp with its unique character. I think to surpass the level of the Gryphon you have to spend a lot of money for a pre/power amp combination.

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Indeed …

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Of course the Gryphon integrated amp is no bargain as well. I got a demo model from a dealer in Germany. But still 5 digit amount for the monster.

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Yes … gryphon is expensive … even with preloved they are too … but worth every cents … just like naim gears…

Yes , absolutely true. Only NAIM gear I regret having purchased is my Atom in the kitchen. Nice sound with the B&W 705 Signature, but full of bugs and break downs after turning on. I am sick of it.

Oh dear :grimacing:

Swiss Jazz Radio. My daily listening program while cooking for the family. Great source for easy jazz. Don‘t expect Bitches Brew.


You are probably referring to the Inakustik cable which is fitted with the company‘s own patent, called „air technology“. It‘s all explained on their website.

Really like how you’ve positioned that set-up. Looks fantastic… :+1:

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I’d say he cuts a rather dashing figure…born out, of course, by the bevy of screaming co-eds just out of the picture to the right, engaged in “Bertolamania.” :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Thank you very much. If I had have another choice, I had placed the tv elsewhere.

As my niece says about the mullet; “Business up front, party in the back…”


Fair enough. Still, you’ve made great use of that area.

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Shush! I won’t be allowed on here with only powerline lites being naim. Needed to help family financially so some difficult decisions…


Finally, Bauer DPS upgraded to version 2 is up running with it’s Bauer modified Rega RB 250 tonearm and AT 95 sh. The only difference to version 3 now is the psu.
I think this one and the Nait 50 will be with me for eve…… a while :blush:


Such a beautiful TT. Very nice indeed :ok_hand:


Hope everything works out dude