System Pics 2024

Many of us were that same guy back then, Mr. Tibbs…


That’s the integrated garage converted, carpet arrives today.

This evening I will be migrating the system from its current room to its new one!

The room is 4.75m x 3.35m and has a lot less challenges than my current room.


Looks great and a nice relaxing view too. It should be really nice having a dedicated listening room and that’s a nice size - mine is similar. Looking forward to seeing how it looks when all set up.


You can say it… This is your friend Max back in 1978 or so in front of the coffee machine in the hall of the Music Conservatory in Torino. I never cease to wonder at how stupid I looked. Makes me think… :grin:


Now I know who I should have looked for at AFMerate :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

nice work Gary - i hope the system sounds as good or better after all that effort in cracking the problem room

Looks great, the hard work will pay off. Best thing I did was have a dedicated room built, I also installed a dedicated ring for the electrics. That was 20 years ago now.

Damn, Gary. You haven’t messed about :grinning: 2 years ago I wanted to get electric roller shutters for the garage, but gave up when I was told I needed an electrician first, then get the meter moved and blah.

Hope the 40A’s sound good in there!

Am trying again 2 years later as we’ve got an electrician coming next month…

Have you sold your Nova mate?

Not stupid at all Max! Of its time.

ATB Graham take care.

Ok, thanks, but that mullet… :face_vomiting:

Excellent looking space vey similar to my listening room with slightly less furniture :wink:

Be interesting to hear how you get on with the 40A’s, hope it sounds great for you after all the hard work :+1:

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My current setup: Gryphon Diablo 300, Gryphon Scorpio CD player, Marten Parker Duo stand mount speakers, Audio Analogue DAC, NAIM NDX 2 streamer with external power supply XPS, NAIM Core ripper. Small box in the rear is a Bonn 8 switch with Forester PS. Speaker Cables are Stockfisch, a small, relatively unknown German brand with an extraordinary quality. Cables from Inakustik and Kondo/Japan are as well in the system. I am very happy with this combo. Dexter Gordon is watching that the best music is being played, mostly jazz and classical.


@Zupfgeiger …beautiful gryphon :muscle:t2:

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Thank you very much! Indeed I love my Gryphon. Incredible sound quality.

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@Zupfgeiger … and a pair of marten … very good speakers… recently I have heard much about the marten.

That’s the biggest digital cable I’ve seen :flushed:

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They are gorgeous. So detailed, with a refined, but full bodied sound, easily able to fill our 40 square meter living room with beautiful music.


@Zupfgeiger … and it’s not bloomy at all … from what I gathered … in a small room …


Not so small, actually. Most of the room you can‘t see on my photo. But it‘s indeed a cosy music and tv corner with system and speakers placed opposite to the couch I am sitting on while listening and watching tv.