System Pics 2024

Is full of Silvia’s furniture, bags of things, two bicycles, remnants of the last twenty years of life and, on occasion, a flood of uncomfortable memories.

Oh Sorry the garage for another member

You’ll be back :wink:

Just the kitchen, Wilfried. I won’t tell my wife we have to find a new solution because the Atom is not supposed to stand on a metal board.

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Great to see different kit being used and I reckon the amp will sound awesome. Great and different choice!

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Yes, the garage! Just about finished getting it all set up…. I’ll post pictures when done.

Thanks Dan. I’ve had Atc sia2-150 in the past so it was not a gamble but what is surprising is the dac is certainly not an afterthought or a marketing strategy, it’s really rather good, and nice to see something different to the ubiquitous Ess sabre chips.


Stripped down the kit today as I needed to replace one double switched socket with two MK unswitched sockets.
I’m pleased with the results and hardly any cables touch at the back of the Fraim.

New Mark Grant mains cable collected today for the DAVE (collected this morning from his home, he lives 15min away)

Powerlines feed 250DR and 552DR
Powerline lite feeds ND5XS2

Fired up, sounds superb :ok_hand:



Very nice :ok_hand:

Good work there, Gary. Very nicely done :+1:

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That is delightful :clap:

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@Farthings-cat … nice colour palette… cosy contemporary feel … :muscle:t2:

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Very nice!

Looks great. Delighted for you :+1:

Happy listening

Nice job Gary.:+1:

Really nice!

What a wonderful set-up, a great place to enjoy music.

Beautiful atc scm40 active speakers there :wink: may I ask how far apart they are. Bet you have a deep soundstage there

Looks great Gary :+1: