System Pics 2024

Yep. Should be an interesting demo :sunglasses:

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Are you able to name the dealer, as I might go to this


Between Oxford and Witney. Dealership is on the new Naim website. :grinning:

Thank you Jodl.
I notice that you own S1/500 amps into 808’s. All I can say is going active with the 500’s is like 552 to S1. No exaggeration. I’m so happy that I did it. So if you are ever feeling flush😊.

Turntable wise I want to state that I didn’t sell either the last two turntables because of their sound quality. More on that later.

I have always been a fan of the original LP12 with ARO and Armageddon . I will be visiting Cymbiosis for a good listen to options before finalising the spec but I have a deposit on the last of his keel for ARO’s based on hearing that combo at a friends house.


Hope you meant this Easter :thinking::sweat_smile:

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Why are thinking of buying an SME Bjorn?

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That’s a very very special system you have. And with the fantastic subfloor improvements you are all set for life. Congratulations on your fantastic project. I admire what you have done. Absolutely wonderful! And the stacking looks superb.


I don’t think there’s a problem in identifying dealers. Acoustica, Cymbiosis, Signals, HiFi Lounge are frequently mentioned, to name but a few.


Assuming it’s Cultured Audio?


So far, I am most interested in whether the quality is as good as it says Cohen, hence my curiosity.

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Less bling and more performance… out with eversolo A6, in with Lumin D2


Correct. Mike, the owner, is a really pleasant and helpful person.

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Daylight pic I took a couple of days ago

without doubt the most enjoyable system I’ve owned.


I’ll get booked in.


Dan you are a great guy thank you for the kind words. I like many other members are hoping you come through your battle and can enjoy your great system for many years to come.


Lovely room, has real presence and the Axis Bold as Love on the wall is an old friend. I have one of those that’s so old it’s in mono :o)


That is a lovely room, it has real presence and the Hendrix “Axis Bold as Love” on the wall is an old friend. I have one of those that’s so old it’s in mono :grinning:

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looks great Phill, glad you’re enjoying it.

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Hello all,

this is my first post here, so a short introduction first: living in Vienna, Austria, currently don’t have NAIM gear but I read here since quite some time and love your friendly, civilised community!

My three systems:

  1. Main system, composed of a Thorens TD 160-II with SME 3009 and a Clearaudio system (forgot which although I had it mounted only a year ago…), a Meridian 506.20 CD player, a NAD 6240 tape, a Copland CSA-14 hybrid amp and finally a pair of Odoen Orfeo horn speakers. The latter are temperamental beats and react merciless to wrong position. Sweet spot nails you to a 10cm2 spot on the x- and the y-axis, which is a bit of torture at times… So depending on further development of our living situation these fine speakers might have to go.

So, again thank you for welcoming me here.


  1. Secondary system: for private listening I have a Linn Magic DS streamer playing into a Creek OBH-11 headphone amp which is fed by a super-regulated DIY power supply. Phones currently are Beyerdynamic DT 770 PRO (80 Ohm).