Taylor Swift - Person of the Year

I have several friends who have seen Taylor’s live show. They have not quit talking about it. I did go see her Eras Tour movie on the IMAX big screen and she is quite something.

3 1/2 hours non-stop. She is much better on IMAX than she is on Quobuz because the visual movie is more intelligible than the audio only.

This is a story that rivals anything I have ever read in the music press.


Probably the most boring person on earth.


Is there anyone you like? Shane McGowan, Benjamin Zephaniah, now Taylor Swift. Why keep slagging people off? You may not like what they do, but so what?


Boring or not, she seems to have single-handledly revolutionised movie distribution, the live- concert experience, and album master rights. All this year.

I’ve only gone on a couple long walks…

I’ve got no issue with her getting this award.


Whether you like her or not there’s no denying just how popular she is. I quite liked her last album (not enough to buy it) and my daughters and granddaughters love her.

Good on her I say and I’d rather her win than some of the other names that were mentioned (including that ass hole Putin).


She, or rather her fans, really did make the earth move.

Along with Beyonce, she is conclusive evidence that women really do run the world (girls).

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I’m not interested in the scale of anything she’s done. What matters are the songs. The songs ate often fantastic.

Good evening all,

I do like some of her recorded stuff but there are things out there on YouTube which might lead some of us to wonder if she can actually sing in key when not on her own stage.

Look out a live piece she did with ‘The Civil Wars’ and one she did with Ed Sheeran.



Somewhat confused. Why would anyone bother looking for this? Listen to the great stuff. It’s undeniably great. What would make one then actively seek out stuff which might not be? What specifically is gained?


To be fair to @Martinzero, I once spent two hours in the “company” of Mr McGowan, and a more tedious person you could not wish to meet. But then drunks, especially drunken poseurs, are usually desperately dull.



My point is that the two YouTube video’s referred to (plus the charity thing she did a while back where she sung something live with Prince William) appear to demonstrate she can’t sing that well making me wonder whether Autotune isn’t at work somewhere…



She’s no Kevin Sinfield, and other great people of the year, for sure!


I’m a casual Swiftie.


Still don’t get why anyone would care. I’ve heard great records with auto-tune and terrible ones. I hear little evidence of auto-tune on her albums but then you’re not supposed to hear it.

Elsewhere on this forum you’ll read people singing the praises of the latest Stones album. Does anyone really believe Keith Richards contribution was as much as Ronnie Wood? The ability of the former to play anything remotely listenable or even coherent on a guitar in the past two decades is literally non-existent. Especially true if you see them live; catch a glimpse of the desk and realise he’s mixed about as high as Linda McCartney vocals.

Jaggers vocals are clearly re-pitched and processed all over the new record. Does any of that take away from peak Stones for me? Not one bit.

It does make me wonder why one might single out Taylor Swift for such comments other than pure sexism. She’s a great songwriter; has several significant albums to her name that will clearly stand the test of time. What exactly is the problem?


I haven’t watched anything ‘live’ by the Stones of recent so can’t comment on them.

I do have two of Taylor Swift’s albums as downloads.

I could comment on Gary Barlow’s appalling singing in the recent Take That TV concert.

As somebody who both plays and instrument and enjoys music generally it is clearly unreasonable of me to expect a vocalist to hold, or even attain, a note.



If you can find where that occurs on an album then please do so. A couple of YouTube videos? I doubt anyone cares. Certainly doesn’t look like anyone does here. It’s scraping the barrel stuff as per the link I posted above.

Musician not perfect all the time in a world where everything is filmed. Shocker.

Give me imperfect musicians every time thanks.

A great read, it seems there’s no shortage of blockheads it’s also scary that these fundamentalist have such a huge support base.

I’m glad she was named person of the year.


Not sure about us ending up on the same page repeatedly Pete. That’ll never do :slight_smile:

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I may not always agree but I’ll defend your right to be wrong. :grin: