"The 100 Best Albums of the 21st Century."

Why would you buy three you wouldn’t play again?

You’ve never bought an album that you later fell out of love with IB? Tastes change. These days I’d much rather listen to Beethoven’s Archduke Trio than Radiohead, which I certainly would not have done when I was buying the Radiohead.

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I can only think of one at tge moment, but I guess maybe two or three (in a lifetime!) My tastes haven’t changed much in 50 years of music buying, other than widening a little.

For a long time it was 0 until nr 1 so not all hope is lost. Back to real music.

I proudly own 2, including number 1.

4 of them…and it’s probably too much.

No one

Surprised it’s even that high!

I’m sorry but the only person on your list who has talent is Eminem

I would add Derek Trucks to Eminem, the rest I will pass too.

How can anyone claim that Eminem has more ‘musical’ talent than Derek Trucks, London Grammar or Alison Krauss?

The world really has gone mad!


There are some very talented people on the list, undoubtedly. Few of them have talent that I enjoy listening to for long periods.

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