The 2019 Naim new products

I have been suggested by a well informed source that Salisbury will present something new in Munich, but who knows what. Any idea? :sunglasses:

Chag -


Could it be Qobuz native integration on the new player platform already or is this for later this year? image

Chag -

A new 272 replacement or a new type preamp that incorporates some of the digital learnings of the Uniti range? Or a game changer?

I wouldn’t count on it. I believe they are done with new sources for a while and the replacement of the 272 is still not for this year. It still sells very well.

Chag -

Can,t believe Qobuz is a new product, and the Amps had a significant uograde with DR…not much left then?

Are the Mu-so and Qb being upgraded for Munich? Just a wild guess. :sunglasses:

Chag -

Not unlikely as the current models are being sold at a discount

We had the same thought. :nerd_face:

Chag -

How about an MQA adaptor to use in conjunction with the ND555 and the other streamers that would either do the first and other unfolds, or just do the second unfold after Roon does the first.

I would like to access Hi Rez, but am reluctant to do a Roon/Nucleus/+. Would probably jump on a Naim Box that would add that capability.

I don’t fully understand what you mean here?


I guess I should have said “access the highest Rez”–ie like MQA. Right now I download them and put them on a USB stick and play them from the front panel of the ND555. Tidal used to be limited to CD quality–ie 44khz/16 bit. I would like to stream beyond that. I also rip cd’s on my Unity Core, but then again that is 44/16.

Perhaps I am missing something that the ND555 will do?

Well it will playback 32bit audio at sampling rates not even currently available.

So not sure what you are really after. MQA is just the packing format. It doesn’t really have anything over any lossless format. It is, admittedly, inconvenient if you currently have a huge collection in MQA. But Naim recommend transcoding to WAV anyway.

What resolution does the 555 play them at?

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How about releasing the firmware fix to resolve the screen freeze issue on the ND555?

Plenty of bugs to be resolved with the next firmware updates indeed. But they wouldn’t qualify as new products unless for new functionality and/or SQ breakthrough.
Now, Qobuz native update for new streaming platform will more than qualify. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Chag -

I have seen 96/24 and 192/24 I believe from hi rez downloads saved to jump drives and fed to the ND555 thru the front usb slot.

feeling_zen, I am aware that the ND555 will playback 32 bit audio, but what I am asking is how to access that kind of material. Perhaps Chag said it best–QoBuz native would be nice update. I would like to do Roon and have a Naim Box to do the second unfold. Roon does the first, but then I have to go out of family to do the second. It would be worth it to me to stay all Naim–where they have worked out all the bugs.

If you go down the Roon route you don’t have to wait for Qobuz to be native as Roon will give you Qobuz Hi res capabilty on your Naim kit, as long as a new generation streamer.

but you need an extra box…

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This is true perhaps a new Naim product for 2019 should be a redesigned Core that can function as a Roon core, personally I got rid of my Unitiserve and went with Innuos.

Yes frenchrooster, that is my point. Even if I go down the Roon route, and a Nucleus/+, I “only” get one unfold of Qobuz, unless I buy another box. I paid all this money for Naim, and now I would have to go out of family to get the last unfold.

I really like glasnaim’s idea of redesigning the Unity Core, keep it a ripper, add a “Nucleus/+” inside for Roon and a second unfold hardware addition, that would integrate with an Ethernet plug to my network and work with the ND555. Now I could get the full capability. When can I get one?–how much is it? My check is on the way:grinning:

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