The best standmount speakers for approx £500

:small_blue_diamond:@Henryski,…Well,.Tommy as his name is,.is a trained cabinetmaker.

So all of his models of loudspeakers were incredibly well built.
Unfortunately,.he got the disease rheumatism,in among other things,his hands.
So he had to stop manufacturing.

•He tried to outsource the production of the loudspeaker-boxes to other companies.
But unfortunately,.they did not keep the quality-level that Tommy wanted

He sold his speakers directly,.through his own company,therefore they had a very attractive price.
:small_orange_diamond:Mosen cost 1996 £504:-,.and before the production ended £550:-.
They were really,really too cheap,.the construction-quality and the sound-quality was at a very high level.
•Mosen Under,.sorry I have unfortunately forgotten the price.

Had he had dealers,.they had been much,much more expensive.
If I will try to describe them,.hope it will be right in English :wink:.

:black_small_square:Mosen,.they are built in specially selected birch,.that Tommy glued together himself.
The sides,.top and bottom have a thickness of 25mm.
Front and Back section 35mm.
Inside the outer-box,.as you can see,it is another box in the best MDF-material…thickness 20mm.

Between these two drawers it is glued with visko-elastic glue.

:black_small_square:Mosen Under is constructed in the same way,.but the box is significantly thicker.

The speaker-elements are especially modified according to Tommy’s specifications.
Also the internal-cables and crossover-filters as well as the solder tin,.are very carefully constructed with many,many listening tests.

:small_blue_diamond:Thanks for that statement :smiley:,.I’ll greet Tommy it.
But no,.as I wrote above…It was because of illness.

:small_blue_diamond:Thanks again,.I know Tommy also drove his Mosen together with the Audion Silver Night 300B Single End monoblock,.which sounds extremely good.
I know because I myself have that combination.


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