The Best Thing about My System is…

Reflecting on it, actually to pick just one thing, the best thing about my system is that it plays music!

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“…my haven and refuge…” .
The best words to describe it!!!


The reproduction of musical performances, the friends I have made because of it, and having a logo I designed on it.


You have Ovators in your KITCHEN?!!! You must live in a palace!


It’s not there at all–just music hanging in the air.

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It’s paid for……


It wouldn’t be yours if it wasn’t… unless it was given to you, in which case that would be a bonus!

Reliability and the best possible form of predictability.
I know how it sounds, how it can sound, I know how the Sats will perform in a given space, how the SN will drive a speaker.
I may be Naim’s prodigal son (among a bunch of others), but a black box is family to my ears - and mind.


The best thing about my system, aside from the sound, is that I still enjoy how beautiful and well made it is even though it’s been years since I bought it.

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The best thing about my system is it’s simplicity and it’s ability to just play music in a way that never leaves wondering what if I had or added a…

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Time to upgrade it then :joy:


The best thing is it is something to enjoy for a lifetime…not another piece of junk that you waste money on thatgoes in and out the door. Just been through recap #3 on my 30 year old 72/hicap/250 and it sounds as good as when i bought it. When i tell people that Naim does that…they just can’t believe it … i have ‘sold’ a few Naim systems because that’s how Naim respects its customers.


It was a stretch financially at the time, but I got very good deals on almost all the items (jeez except for Fraims…), but now I now have a system I am very proud of and impresses me.


When I come home from visiting other places playing music with generic speakers and bluetooth systems, I appreciate the hobby and the soul and engagement the music that projected from my system.
I think a mentality adjustment is quite important, it’s too easy to get lost in the hobby and forgot the passion for music. Usually when I have a really busy week, then a week later the music just sounds so sweet.

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Well said, Bjorn. I think that many, even most, Members feel the same way.

I feel the same about my 12-year-old Rolex watch, which has just come back from its first ever service.

These things are expensive to buy initially, but provide great value in the long run.


The OC green logo?

I don’t know its there when playing music.

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Yes, this recent post linked below explains the first appearance, then it became a loudspeaker badge, followed by inclusion on the front of the Original Classic boxes.


Very cool history of the brand.

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