The Big Switch Save Energy

I concur. I have a thermometer on my Water Tank, and although it has two jackets, plus already insulated with foam, it still uses 10 or more degrees C over night.

I measured my old 2009 iMac as using 250Watts when the screen was on full brightness. Although in standby, it was extremely low

Yes, and this applies to any extension lead, always unwind these as the work like a heating coil if they are used wound up - of course dependent on load.

Points re eco kettles noted.
I get told off for over filling the kettle, but better over filled than run dry!

I hesitate to mention it, and probably should not, but we share the bath water - in as much as I am the second user! (no shower of courseā€¦)

It is all show and tell nowā€¦

Not that I boil and drink the bath waterā€¦

Straying into the gas consumption now as gas boiler water heatingā€¦

The old bath water is left in the bath and used next day for the garden wateringā€¦
Carried down in a Sainsburyā€™s elephant tough bag that is just the right size for eight 2 litre milk containers.

Yes, I thnk the iMac has a deeper sleep than the pc, but this may be something I will measure, though I have similar problems getting to the plugs now as stuff is in the way to reach the wall sockets.

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Might be more fun if you were both in the bath at the same time :wink: :laughing:

Presumably you have metered water if you are using the bath water for the garden?

What, do you not have enough rain! Youā€™re welcome to some of ours :smile:

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Too old for that sort of stuff!

Yes metered waterā€¦

Well yes, certainly for the last three of four days the trips with the bags of water have not happenedā€¦

A powerful class A amp is quite a good way of cutting energy billsā€¦ At least if you are using it anyway for music, it save the normal room heating that otherwise would be needed!

From a different energy consideration,I have my (class A) amp on a timeswitch, that I set to go off a bit later than my anticipated end of session, lest I forget to switch off. (itā€™s a simple device, reach in, feel the button, and press the requiren number of time for anticipated hours.

Is it ok to turn off Naim amps at the wall without turning each box off first (eg a NAP and HICAP)?
I know it will happen if there is a power cut, but repeated power cuts - at the wall?

Does the time switch in the mains supply cause a (bad) change in the sound quality?

No change in sound evident to me. I wouldnā€™t have bothered with previous amp at only something like 45W if I forgot to turn off, but with ten times that is definitely undesirable to accidentally leave on for what could be many hours, sometimes even a couple of days.

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Per 1m2 our consumption has dropped massively since moving. Despite the house being over three times larger than our rental apartment, decent insulation and windows and carefully planned reflective exterior and breeze ways during the build have really shown their worth.

Our peak months in the apartment with a single AC unit was 1,050 KwH/month! Our three storey detached but with care having gone into it, even with no less than 9 AC units (which only need to tick over on the lowest power setting for short periods of the day) is closer to 800KwH/ in the same month. But divided by floor space, the apartment would have been 11.05KwH/m2 whereas the house is 2.66KwH/m2.

I kid you not. Do not underestimate the power of insulation, heat reflection, and airflow planning.

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Impressive figuresā€¦

Should makes us question policy regarding new build, (and extension added to buildings), and there should be no excuse for any new build not being energy efficient, and should also ask why schemes for retrospective insulation insulation, heat reflection and airflow are not delivered at affordable prices (should be heavily subsided for poor households particularly rented accomodatios, (perhaps ā€˜means testedā€™, and paid for by landlords not tenants) and have become so expensive.

In 2021 or 2022 when the electricity prices hiked here, I took the decition to power down my then ns01 and my nas, and replace the files on the disk in the ns01 to a usb disk, plugged directly into my nd555. I have gone on that way even though I have lost some music management for local music. I am still thinking of going back to a nas sometime but this has to be something else than my readynas since the server on that nas is almost the same as the managemtn on the nd555. I convinced myself that going to the new 300 series would be good in terms of lower electricity costs. However the price I paid for the gear means that it will take me much more than my expected lifetime to actually save money!
But it is nice to hear all the 300s boxes turn itself off when not in use.

Iā€™m not sure my builders would have done a great job unless I hadnā€™t grabbed the wheel and designed it myself. As I live in a very extreme climate, my first change was to acknowledge that while the interesting house shapes I was presented with were quite beautiful, the realities of my climate dictated (to my uneducated mind) that a shape with the smallest external surface area was more efficient than one with annexes and nooks and courtyards.

Iā€™m sure a professional architect would tell me the house I designed was a pile of rubbish. But the fruits of the thought that went in seem to have born out in the monthly energy bills.

There was some energy rating system that it was given. I do not know what it was. Some thing with zero to 5 stars. We were told 1 star is already excellent. I think we got graded as 2 stars out of 5. The materials cost to reach more would have doubled the cost of the building.


There were plans to introduce such requirements, but the previous government cancelled it under pressure from the house building lobby, who just happened to be major donors.

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We were contacted by our local Council that they sourced a solar panel company to install them throughout the county and to register an interest.

We did so, as at the time, our electricity usage was around Ā£300 per month.

A few months later we were contacted by the installer and uploaded our details for a quote. Got this back which was nearly Ā£16k as we have two south facing roofs plus battery storage.

The interesting part was that even with all that roof space they could only estimate to produce 70% of our usage, so weā€™d still have to use our existing provider for some of our energy.

Decided not to do this, given the large initial cost, the upheaval of the installation and no guarantee that it would cover all our usage.

Plus Ā£16k, thatā€™s a lot of HiFi.



That is a lot. Perhaps ask for a quote for panels only. My usage went down from 2,500KWh a year to 1,450KWh. Ā£16k will be a long payback. Remember also that whilst still not available, they are looking at using Electric Vehicle batteries for powering the house, in which case house batteries will eventually be redundant (my view anyway)

Apologies if you know this already, but are you manually copying music files from your computer to your USB drive, or do you have a script that you just run each time, to sync changes to your USB stick?

Through the course of the posts,I think it has been established that the OP is not a wifully profligate consumer of energy, notwithstanding some of his electical gear is getting on a bit.

Assuming our meter is functioning properly,
to give me a guide, I would expect @fergchā€™s electricity consumption to be,say, 6kwh/day (not an empirical figure, obviously).

This assumes no unexpected, aberrant energy consumption of his own devices; no neighbours growing anything of a herbal nature using OPā€™s electricity, a correctly functioning electricity meter.

When energy prices spiked, I did keep a comparative consumption diary for a while, and iirc our highest reading was 335kwh in January 2021.

Our own electricity use has gone up slightly, recently, but this is probably due to getting a bigger TV/surround sound set up, but also because we now electric roller shutter garage doors which are constantly powered.

I am actually surprised that our use seems to be on the comparatively low side, given we have no solar etc.

IF, and it is a big IF, the OPā€™s meter is faulty, he could be in for a very substantial refund!


Perhaps the current government will change back to introducing the required changesā€¦

That is what happened hereā€¦
The deal was not much use to us as I saidā€¦

How much do they use when not in motion? If itā€™s quite high, might be a good case for a smart plug to disable at night. Also adds an extra security level

Iā€™ve no idea tbh. Theyā€™ve also got a mains powered 100db alarm on each. I do take your point, thanks, its just I donā€™t like turning things on an off too much. Stupid of me maybeā€¦

Tbf, given the cost of the doors, perhaps 500w/day is bearable.