The classical music thread

There was a lot of fuss a couple of years ago, when Murray Perahia moved from CBS Sony to DG, and his first LP on the Yellow Label was a Beethoven disc, coupling the ‘Moonlight’ sonata with the mighty ‘Hammerklavier’.

But not much since. Is he still making records?

Incidentally, anyone wanting an LP of the ‘Hammerklavier’ need look no further than Maurizio Pollini’s magisterial account, also on DG, from around 1977 in lovely warm analogue sound. Pollini re-recorded a number of Beethoven sonatas for DG, but - wisely, perhaps - didn’t touch the ‘Hammerklavier’.

Hi Graham - Perahia has also recorded Bach’s French suites for DG. Pollini did rerecord the Hammerklavier, last year.


Goodness, I will have to look that out. I thought that Pollini had pretty well retired from the concert platform.

I’ve had a quick look on the UK and German Amazon sites. It seems that DG haven’t released it on LP, which is a great shame.

Not quite, fortunately - he doesn’t travel far anymore and continues to cancel frequently but he has bookings well into 2024.

I understand the frustration. I don’t have a vinyl set up (it would bankrupt me) but I’ve been buying CDs a lot lately anticipating that they will suffer the same fate of becoming infrequently issued collectors’ items. For now, in CD land it’s still difficult to choose, but their window of availability is more limited than before.


I was lucky enough to see him in concert at the RFH and Barbican a few times, particularly when his great friend Claudio Abbado was chief conductor of the LSO.

I would place him on a par with Emil Gilels, whom I saw just the once, conducting the LSO in a Mozart symphony and playing his last Piano Concerto, K 595.


An absolute sensation when it was originally issued and still a fantastic Messiah. The bounce, momentum and rough edge that was new to this work have made it to newer recordings by Jacobs and Haim amongst others, but Bernarda Fink’s alto and Neal Davies’ bass remain unsurpassed.



Oh yes, Graham. So right,

Pollini’s 1977 recordings of the 5 late Beethoven sonatas, 28 to 32, have never been bettered. They are magnificent and should be in every Classical music collection.

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I have a very old set, but with the booklet autographed by Pollini (on the afternoon before a concert at the RFH many years ago).

They would be ideal candidates for re-release as part of DG’s Original Source series.


That would be nice, assuming they were recorded to four-track tape.

Indeed. There’s no way of knowing this from the booklet that accompanied the records.

Yeah, I wouldn’t expect that kind of information in liner notes for any release from DG in the 70s. I don’t know that there is a publicly-accessible way to find out what was and wasn’t recorded to four-track.

Starting the day with the Brahms Clarinet Quintet, DSD64 file



Excellent disc. Great sound quality.

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Kapsperger isn’t universally considered a great composer but this disc is played so well, it doesn’t really matter. Excellent recording, too.



I’ve always enjoyed Renaissance/Baroque lute music, and BIS has a great history of supporting performances of it. The recordings from ca 1980 with Jakob Lindberg are excellent.

I went to look up this Kapsberger recording on Qobuz to discover I added it to my library in 2019 soon after it was released. I am playing it now while working. :slight_smile:


I have many of Prof. Lindberg’s BIS recordings on files and vinyl. Here’s another different composer and label worth a spin:



I have a number of them both older and newer.

Do you have any of the Hopkinson Smith discs on Astree? Some of the best sounding recordings I own.

Listening now to a recently downloaded “box set” of Emma Kirkby’s recitals on Oiseaux Lyre.



Charity shop today. Adds to the Kocsis discs purchased in the last few months!


Yes, I have the Bach Works for Lute on Astree with Hopkinson Smith. Those are great. I also have a recording of Luis Milan, El Maestro 1536 performed on the vihuela, which is a Renaissance guitar. It’s great. You should look for it if you don’t have it.

I have an instresting lute album on L’Oissaeu-Lyre: the Complete Lute Music of John Dowland. It’s a 5-LP box and each LP has a different lutenist (Anthony Bailes, Jakob Lindberg, Nigel North, Anthony Rooley, Christopher Wilson).

I have much of Emma Kirkby’s Reanissance and Baroque stuff on L’Oiseau-Lyre vinyl LPs. Great stuff.