The classical music thread

Is this a digital recording?

I don’t think so. It says 1975 on the label of the discs, and I think digital recordings only started coming to the market after 1982? No mention of “digital” anywhere.

ah great! :+1:

Actually, the recordings are even older - this is just a repackaging.


Hi folks, I’m replacing a few old and slightly dodgy CD rips in my ‘The Classics’ listings.
I’m searching for what’s considered these days as ‘the best’ interpretation in musical terms, plus the recording quality in CD or FLAC or DSD.
I’m almost there, but struggling with

Dvorak’s 9th (New World)

Any recommendations please

Dohnanyi/Cleveland on Decca.


You might find Dave Hurwitz’s YouTube review of New Worlds interesting:

Repertoire: The BEST Dvorák “New World” Symphony (

My preference would be for Reiner (RCA Living Stereo) or Kertesz (Decca) but Kubelik or Fricsay (Both DG) are worthy additions to the shortlist.

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Harnoncourt /Concertgebouw.

Another vote for Kertesz and the LSO.

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Kubelik on DG seconded!

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I also agree about the Kubelik, but if you play vinyl I would wait until October when DG Classics releases a new remaster direct from the original 4-track 1/2" tapes on The Original Source series. This will be the first release ever from the original tapes, and based on other releases in the series this should be fantastic.


Reiner is RCA Living Stereo - There is an SACD.

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Would second this. Great for 8th. too.

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Would second Dohnanyi/Cleveland. Great for 8th. too.

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Hi Mike, if you do a search within this thread you’ll find a few discussions on Dvorak 9 which may be helpful. There are so many to choose from and so many good ones. My personal fave (so far) is Karajan BPO.

Kubelik is more in keeping with the Bohemian schtick and would be a close second, but I like the fire and drama (over the top?) of HvK’s reading.

If you’re looking for a more modern digital recording, the Behlolavek/CPO is a great performance and stylistically maybe closer to Dvorak’s intentions?


I also support the Kubelik recommendation, but also think it’s worth listening to a Czech orchestra in this music.

So I’d suggest the recording of the Czech Philharmonic conducted by Karel Ancerl. The performance of the slow movement is exceptionally moving.



Thanks everyone for the recommendations, you’ve helped with the short list.

Apart from music excellence I’m also concerned with the quality of well regarded recordings that have been re-released and possibly remastered and not for the better, hence my enquiry post.

So far I’m most tempted by
1995 DG release by Kubelik and BPO “Symphony Nos.8 & 9”.
This one is a 1995 re-release, its well rated according to the music www’s and it includes the 8th.


You are quite right. Thank you for correcting my oversight.

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For sound quality, I’d go for DohnanyiCleveland. Performance is good as well.

@Wugged_Woy - was it you who recommended this performance, describing it as one of the best (top 5?) albums in your collection from the SQ perspective?


Yep. It’s one of my desert island discs, John.
Great performance, fabulous sound quality by Decca.

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