The classical music thread

The Belohlavek is very cheap on Qobuz download with Sublime at the moment.

Thanks Roger. I’ll try to track down the Ancerl LP. I’ve been really impressed with some of his recordings. His Mahler 1 is wonderful IMO. I assume the Dvorak 9 is on Supraphon?

Yes it is.


This is a stunning performance, in great sound. Originally recorded in 1999, but now re-issued in hires.


I forgot to mention this beauty earlier. For those who love the Kertesz LSO, I think his rendition with the VPO is even better and, on vinyl, has the advantage of a more spacious lay out with 2 movements per side, unlike the LSO one which crams 3 movements onto side 1 in order to get the “Othello” overture onto side 2. I think I can hear the deleterious effects of this.


Searching through my vinyl collection I’ve also just rediscovered this Kubelik/VPO performance that I bought some time ago, but cleaned, re-sleeved and put on the shelf and then managed to forget about it probably because it’s one of those early orange label Decca’s with no spine and therefore no description to lure me to pull it off the shelf!
I’ll put that right tonight hopefully…


I appreciate the feedback guys, and your vinyl recommendations are all good for the forum, but I’m only interested in digital – PCM or DSD (or CD rip)

This. It was a early purchase, originally on LP, in my Classical explorations.

Nothing wrong with it, so re-bought it on CD - which I still have.

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This is a forum for both vinyl and digital lovers. When someone asks for recommendations I am – by default – going to recommend vinyl, since that is what I know in most cases. Anyone who doesn’t like vinyl can assume there is likely a digital version of anything I recommend anyway. But I won’t try to remember who likes what format.


Agreed as mentioned above :nerd_face:

Levit’s op. 31 sonatas, part of his excellent Beethoven set.




Highly recommended.

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The hires download of Rostropovich’ 2nd recoding of Dvorak’s cello concerto, with Giulini conducting the LPO. With Giulini taking the 1st and 3rd movements in slow, but concentrated, tempi, the 2nd movement falls somewhat flat - but he is so masterful in building the tension arches that the outbursts, when they come, hit exactly right. Overall, it’s a very impressive, albeit slow and autumnal, reading. It’s a perfect ground for Rostropovich’ melodramatic reading, which is helped by the recording’s spotlighting of the cello. The Saint-Saens is good as well, more conventional and only really taking fire in the last movement.

To me, this is Rostropovich’ best recording of the Dvorak, but unfortunately, also the one with the worst sound quality. The present hires issue sounds similar to the GROC issue - tinny with a plumpy bass, like a bad implementation of Dolby B.




A great new remastering of this wonderful performance


Just to close my search advise request for a decent recording of Dvorak’s 9th ‘New World’ to replace my crap compilation version.
I went for the DG release by Kubelik/BPO Symphony Nos.8 & 9.
This one is a 1995 re-release, its well rated according to all the music www’s and it includes the 8th.


The ones I presently have at hand, I tend to prefer the Kubelik.

But you also need the Bernstein (which I do not see mentioned above) if you like to compare.


Currently listening to DSCH 5th Symphonie in D minor, new release on Qobuz. Oslo Philharmonic conducted by Klaus Mäkelä.


For the 1995 release they should have updated the sign on the building. No more Pan Am. Now Met Life.

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Good choice Mike. I’ve just finished a listening session comprising Kubelik’s Dvorak 8th

and HvK/BPO Strauss Don Quixote with Pierre Fournier all on Vinyl.

We’ve had our grandkids here for a week, so it’s been the first session for a while which may be colouring my judgement but…Pure bliss is all I can say!

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Hello RK - I noted this issue is part of the new volume 2 of the complete Krips edition, but none of the marketing mentions a new remastering. Is this in fact a new issue, or a reissue of the Legends issue?
