The classical music thread

The Feldman recordings on HatHut are excellent. Also worth seeking are the ones made for Bridge Records and Mode in the States…

There’s an interesting interview on Presto Classical website with Paavo Jarvi about his Paris Sibelius cycle. I am still enjoying it, but yet to listen to symphony no.4, which I find the most difficult of the cycle. I think nos 3, 6 and 7 are highlights of this set.

Thanks Kuma for sharing this very famous photo, which must be unique. Rarely has such talent been assembled in one place!

Hi BertBird, delighted to see you on this thread. Your many classical recommendations, including advance notice of forthcoming releases is much appreciated

[quote=“ToddHarris, post:41, topic:655”]
The Feldman recordings on HatHut are excellent. Also worth seeking are the ones made for Bridge Records and Mode in the States…[/quote]

Yes, excellent labels for Feldman. Another label that is producing Feldman recordings is Another Timbre, based in Sheffield, UK.



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All happy to contribute with content as that’s the core of our hobby. Listening to music and finding very special albums. While I like classical music a lot I feel I am less capable to review it like Kuma, EJ and others. But I will try to do my best, a jazz thread would get more depth from me.

So let me start to call out one which I find a remarkable album. Is it competing with the best versions out their. No…, she of course misses the ultimate matuarity as some of those great examples. But for quite a number of Sonatas I think the fluency of her playing can be preferred above some of the big names. It’s also a quite good recording in high res…, so give it a try…


Thanks for the tip to Presto, Chris. With Sibelius I started the other way round, the Fourth was the only one of the symphonies I could listen to for a couple of decades. I knew nothing. I loved the Karajan version. Then a few years ago the sixth got to me, then the seventh. Then five, three, two and finally the first. I have tendency to do thongs backward. I love them all now.

Yes, Bert, start a jazz thread. I have followed jazz since the sixties but I know little of what is happening with the younger musicians today. I’d love some advice and pointers about who to try.


I am quite pleased with the Vanska version of the symphonies, and more specifically his 2nd cycle with the Minnesota…

This one I would also like to put under everybodies attention. I don’t think it will be perfect as I have not been so on board with her playing. But at Qobuz only 24,49 euros for all piano music of Tchaikovsky, is worth while the try…, so I pre-ordered, let’s see if I will be positively surprised when it get’s released…


SIBELIUS: yes, BertBird, the Vanska/Minnesota cycle is very impressive, I particularly enjoyed nos 3 & 6 which are, IMHO, especially worth hearing. He seems to dig more deeply in to the music than in his earlier excellent Lahti Symphony cycle.

Blackbirdbarking - It’s interesting how we all respond differently to music, part of its fascination. I started Sibelius with symphony no.2 then no.5. It took me a long while to appreciate nos 3 & 6 (which are now probably my favourite two Sibelius symphonies), then no. 7. I still rarely listen to no.4 - I must try harder!

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I’m going to take the new Jaavi Sibelius in a day or two. This evening’s listening is another Abril CD. I still don’t know where I am with this music, is it classical? Jazz? Or sort of Spanish, as Piazzolla is Argentinian? Or is pure is Abril and that’s that. Whichever, I am fascinated.

I’ve just received 4 CDs from Dutton Vocalion’s Winter Sale. Some great discounted items. Just about to discover a new composer (Wright) and a revised edition of Vaughan Williams Symphony No 5.


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Interesting read in The New Yorker on the vocal group A Room Full of Teeth.

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Ok will consider that for the weekend…

That’s tickled my interest! Do you know what the revisions are to RVW’s 5th? And what do you think? I may need to seek this out.

If you want a really unusual version of the 5th, try this from the RVW Society:

It was recorded just before Anthony Goldstone sadly died a couple of years ago.

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The new edition dates from 2008 and from the Dutton Vocalion website:
“This world premiere recording of Peter Horton’s new edition of Vaughan Williams’ Fifth Symphony edited from the manuscript is the first time a recording addresses all the textural problems left in the published score. Peter Horton writes: The composer’s notoriously hard-to-read handwriting caused further problems, as the copyist assigned to make a fair copy of the score introduced a large number of mistakes, principally (but not exclusively) in the phrasing and articulation. To compound matters, these subsequently made their way into the orchestral parts and the published score. The most significant was the delay by one bar of a timpani entry in the Romanza.”

I haven’t compared side-by-side (My go-to version is Vernon Handley’s with the RLPO) - and need to check timings and temp. But this one is well recorded. I decided it was worth a try at £2.99 in the sale.

The accompanying works by Wright are enjoyable - (Elements of folk-music influence, like VW and Bax - with some Bartok). A nice discovery.

I’ll have a listen at your suggestion - I can access it via Naxos Online music.

At that price it’s a bargain and on order. I see from the website that it was reviewed by William Hedley who is the editor of the Ralph Vaughan Williams Society magazine (and is bound to have appeared in there) so it must have passed me by first time around.

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My, I have never heard Mahler sound like this before. Took in the first movement from Qobuz late tonight. Looking forward to listening to the entire symphony tomorrow. Sara Mingardo too …


Great call out - thanks, I will get it and also the Mahler No. 5