The Doors

Absolutely agree. A stone gold classic.
Only saw Television once, at Hammersmith.
Blindingly great.
Adventure is excellent too, though not having MM’s sheer impact. One more album after that, and gone…

I don’t think that I have ‘Marquee Moon’ on LP, but I’ve just ordered two copies (one as a gift for my son).

Such a wonderful album, saw them on both tours, 77/78? The opening band being “The Only One’s” and the following year an up and coming beat combo “Blondie”!

Television opening for Billy Idol at the O2 now!!
Such is life!

Television? Idol? 02?
Hadnt heard…not interested in Billy but…Television…hmm. Didn’t know Tom had reformed the band…tell me more!

The Only Ones were short-lived, but wonderful.

I think that John Peel once claimed that ‘Another girl, Another Planet’ was his favourite single ever. It really is a three-minute long rush of pure adrenaline.

I’ve seen them several times in recent ish years, the last being at The Roundhouse, Richard Lloyd no longer in the band, Jimmy Rip takes his place on second guitar he’s played with Verlaine for decades. Not sure when the Idol gigs are or if they’ve happened.

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Yup, they were terrific live, and all three albums still listenable, Peter Perret’s last two solo albums well worth a listen, his son on lead guitar a chip off the old fretboard. He occasionally plays live with his son in the band.

Teenage Kicks IIRC

Which given his alleged penchant for underage ‘partners’ seems a little disturbing…

What nice wholesome Young Americans…


Jim Morrison is unmistakable, but I would not have recognised his bandmates, unless heavy hints had been dropped in advance.

It’s strange that whoever put the sequence together can’t spell ‘California’ most of the time (two out of three chances missed!).

Good spot. Yeah, probably stoned when they wrote it…you know what these Doors fans are like!

Finally here from the Dutch publishers, Vince Treanor’s book on his time with The Doors…should be an interesting read.

That will definitely go on my list for books to read in the New Year.

Will I be able to find it on Amazon, or do I need to seek out a specialist publisher?

It wasn’t on Amazon last time I looked, Graham. I pre-ordered direct from the publisher, Aldus Boek Compagnie as soon as it was announced.

However, it may well appear on Amazon in due course, once its been out awhile.

Thank you so much, I seem to be always behind the curve on these things, constantly trying to catch up.

There’s a lot of stuff that’s been released over the years, books, CDs, LPs etc…
It’s a shame DM closed down the old Doors Forum, lots of good people on there, some of whom knew Jim and the band. It was easier then to find out about what was coming out.

Hoffman Forum is pretty good for music releases.

Thank you, Stevie.

I have decided to give up trying to track down obscure releases while I am in my current hateful care home, or indeed order anything more at all. There will be plenty of time to do fun things when I escape this pigsty.

I’m having to rely on neighbours to take in deliveries. Some are happy to do so and very helpful, others react as if they were being asked to chop up and fry their first born. Still, it’s an interesting way to get to know your neighbours, and I know now whose parcels not to take in in the future.

I wish you good luck.

I’ll keep posting any Doors stuff I come across. Keep you in the loop…

Thanks very much, Stevie, that’s very kind.

This is a long (1 hr) ‘video essay’ taking Oliver Stone’s cartoonish movie to task. For those who’ve either seen the The Doors movie or not, or read/not read No One Here Gets Out Alive it may prove interesting.
I read the book just after publication while in America, driving coast to coast and back. I admit I loved it, despite the mythbuilding. I saw the movie once, and pretty much disliked it intensely. The book and movie did revitalise interest in The Doors however, but I’m hoping this essay (only watched the first minutes as yet) addresses what’s wrong with both, but especially the Stone travesty.