The folk thread

Martin Simpson is touring. We saw him in Worcester last week in the quirky chapel setting of Huntingdon Hall. The sound was excellent. Several tracks from his lockdown ‘Home Recordings.’


Belshazzar’s Feast, Huntingdon Hall, Worcester. Excellent musicians spliced with comedy and carols.

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Bellowhead have just opened tickets for November 2022 in Symphony Hall Birmingham. There’s a tour with some gigs earlier in the year.

This lady was busking at Stroud Farmers’ market this morning. She is a local hero, who is also playing at the Sub rooms in December.

I like to support local musicians and she has a lovely voice. Both albums are now ripped and are queued up on my system, to be played whilst cooking / eating this evening.




Cara Dillon touring her Christmas show at Worcester last Tuesday and other venues. With Sam Lakeman (husband) and a talented uilleann piper. A traditional set, but non the worse for that with a song from the proclaimers.


Been meaning to get a copy of this for ages.

It goes a long way beyond basic folk, but to me still feels rooted in that tradition. Why does the Unthanks’ often gloomy material and delivery appeal so strongly? Not sure, but this album has already become a favourite.



We’ve booked them for next June, so it will be good to get to meet them properly. They have a new album next year too, their first with original material for a while, following their Diversions diversion.


They feature in the Alan Hull documentary on BBC iplayer.

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Writers often suggest that ‘Happiness writes white’ a version of Motherlant’s ‘Happiness writes white in white ink on a white page.’ Tragedy and oppression can be more memorable in art than happy times. The Unthanks are talented musicians who plug into this deep strain of melancholy. They brought clog dancing to a wider audience and seem an authentic expression of the North.


That’s what appeals to me. I feel they demonstrate a genuine concern for the underdog in many of their songs, but there’s also a sensitivity to the community spirit which has supported many downtrodden communities over the years. And we shouldn’t lose sight of the fact they’re fine musicians.



Well put Roger. Authenticity in folk music is a tricky concept as many traditions seem to be constructed by Victorians. I’ll put Steve Roud on my holiday reading list. I know I enjoy the performance of several middle-class professional musicians who have chosen to sing folk. But Rachel and Becky’s voices, dress and affection for brass bands look genuine to me. I lived in Newcastle for less than two years, just after the Miners’ strike and recognised a living tradition which is distinct. I’m looking forward to seeing them on tour next year.

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New Julie Fowlis ep. A bonus after Spell Songs II recent release.


The poet George Szirtes who came to the UK age eight after the Hungarian Uprising was on Private Passions this lunchtime. Radio 3. His second choice was from Transylvania, the land of his mother.

Béla Bartók

6 Romanian Folk Dances

Performer: David Oistrakh. Performer: Inna Kollegorskaya.

Oistrakh, an outstanding classical violinist, can make his fiddle sing. There are lots of good recordings of the folk dances, so I’ll explore,


RIP Norma Waterson, who died aged 82.


I was just about to start a thread for her.

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Saw her a few months before it all went South with CV19, glad she is touring again

I just have

I saw your thread just before you pulled it. Please post what you said about her as I didn’t say much about her musical contribution.


Very sad indeed.