The Grand Cafe

That looks lovely. Beautiful windows. Why the map of the U.K.? You are in the NL safely inside the EU. We are outsiders now :cry:


I’ve more maps, but this one did not have a place anymore in the main house but covers the wall nicely.

I’m still looking for a large map of Europe in 1913


Looks fantastic and your windows look very similar to the ones we’ll be using.


I wasn’t sure whether to ‘cut & paste’ a couple of articles i’ve just browsed and put them in the ‘Best Jokes’ thread or …

The Grand Cafe

… so …

Looks like British Airways has finally revealed its new uniforms. The first change in 20 years.
Generally IMHO, the uniforms look OK but it seems as if some of the aircrew aren’t impressed.

However, what caught my eye is the fact that crew can apparently ‘gender identify’. Specifically, Male pilots and cabin crew can wear makeup and carry handbags. They can also op to wear the skirts and blouses etc that the company anticipated most female crew would elect to wear.

I thought I had mis-read the report, until I looked at the accompanying photograph.

Mrs D thinks i’m an old fuddy-duddy who needs to wake up (or is that woke up ?) and move with changes in current society.

I’m not sure if I should heed her advice or be worried by her advice !!


Don I’d be more inclined to follow Mrs D’s advice. Imo there’s far too much serious sh*t going on that needs more attention.


Sounds as if they have been watching that Virgin advert.

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Door’s open now :slight_smile:

Door has been repaired this morning, not sure if it’s permanently ok now.


Started brick cleaning in earnest yesterday and also restarted swimming. Mrs Pete away with friends for the week which also meant I was up painting till just after midnight. Woke up this morning and am struggling to stand upright. :grin::grin:

A photo of Dartmouth in the nice photo thread reminded me that I’d never finished my only 2 UK paintings. Think they’re done now, hope I haven’t offended any Devon locals.

Anyway it’s just after 9am here and I’m off to clean more bricks. :grin:


Lovely paintings a wonderful talent.

That road sign is going to date your painting. 40mph in the UK some people would dream about the g force and nose bleeds from that velocity.


Thank you, driving down to Dartmouth I was more worried about losing a minor as the truck screamed past. :grin:

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Better keep practiced with the painting otherwise its……Pete_the_brick😂


Careful with the spelling there @Gazza :wink:


That’s very funny @Gazza :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:.

I was about to post that I’d given up and hired my builder to help, he starts tomorrow. I’m too old for this kind of stuff.


The auto checker would have great fun😂

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Things have moved along here Josh is slightly faster than me at cleaning bricks. :grin:

In a morning we’ve almost done what took me alone 4 days and no one mentioned colonoscopy.


I got married in Dartmouth, lovely place.

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Does anyone here avoid the news. A self imposed news blackout. T v, radio, newspapers wherever possible.
I’ve done it when on holiday and felt better for it but was wondering if anyone does it full time.


Yes and I don’t stop there, I have foregone all social media services as well (with the exception of this one).
I am definitely happier for it!!


The news is always depressing I try not to watch it in TV but do occasionally listen to the radio.

There’s just so much (bad news) going on that it makes you wonder what’s next. It almost feels like some are just itching for WWlll unfortunately.


Dartmouth was such a gorgeous place we really liked it, I’m a big fan of that part on the UK.