The Grand Cafe

I do own a large SUV (sorry @Bevo) but I do live in a rural town 3 1/2 hours north of Sydney.

Personally I have zero issue with thatā€¦itā€™s horses for courses as I see itā€¦

Itā€™s the urban CBD prevalence that gets meā€¦itā€™s hardly 4x4 requirements is itā€¦!

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Inter city trains are crap Pete. Thereā€™s not even a direct one between Sydney and Brisbane. Have to go to Casino and then get on a bus , that is nuts

In the Southern Highlands , even though there is significant population growth , there is no direct train into Sydney for people working there, so have to catch the 24 + stop one. There is one train at 8.50am with 5 stops but by then the peak is over. No direct ones coming out of Sydney.

So what do commuters do ! They are forced to drive

Donā€™t get me started mate

Pete I get you mate re your vehicle as you are in a rural area so you need it, itā€™s the whackers in the city that scream around in the huge vehicles that get me

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Enjoy the concert Pete, I like his stuff

Just got an email from Westan te get my streamer fixed.

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Happy days :+1:

Are they sending it to the UKā€¦? :rofl:

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youā€™re certainly enjoying retirement Pete, nice to see.

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@Bevo, a lot of my records stick to the LP12 mat, should I try a rubber one?

No local apparently

Yes I heard that was on the cards :+1:

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No I once tried a rubber mat and it was pretty bad , wouldnā€™t go there

Iā€™ve got another one from Collaro Audio on one of my Sondeks

( have red or black finish )

Get really good reviews - to me it sounds better than the original but actually sticks more to the vinyl , so thatā€™s a bit of a pain

Just something we live with but other members might have some ideas to stop the sticking

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No-one seems to have picked up on this one, but Mrs Pete is certainly a looker :laughing:


Yes but we got the chocolate not her


Not the best deal perhaps, you can keep the Chocolateā€¦:wink:


And I canā€™t afford her. :rofl::rofl:


Is that like a carpet Steamer? Or a Streamer ?
Iā€™ll exit now


Really? I honestly donā€™t believe that could be right. -6Ā°C more likely?!

I couldnā€™t do a degrees symbol, so was trying to do -6 oC.


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Got a bit of a sore head and think Iā€™ll sleep the 3 hour train trip home only problem is if I miss my stop Iā€™ll end hours away. :grin:

Lloyd was brilliant, great acoustic performance.