The Grand Cafe

Mine usually gets the day of the week right :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I look out the window.

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I just did.

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Ah, the storm after the heat it looks like….!

Think it’s going to miss us

That could be one of your paintings

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Back in 1968 I stepped off my first flight to the Trucial States (now the UAE). The temperature was 46degC. No roads. No airconditioning. Over the next 3 years I got used to it. By 1972 we had roads and airconditioning. I got used to it.

In 1972 I moved to Salalah (Southern Oman). The temperature was just over 50degC. There were no roads. No airconditioning. Over the next 2 years I got used to it.

Towards the end of '73 I returned to the UK. Lots of congested roads. No air conditioning. I am more or less getting used to it. :sunglasses:


That’s basically it you have to adapt.


I guess you haven’t lived in WA…?! :rofl: :rofl:


Finally getting it now.



Time to unplug Pete!

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That’s right. I haven’t even visited WA, which is an omission I would like to rectify one day. The closest i’ve been is Launceston, Tasmania. Very early in '68 just before the UAE.
One of our neighbours moved to Perth about 5 years ago, shortly after qualifying as a GP. I don’t get any vibes from him that he is desperate to return to the UK (you’d need to be desperate these days IMHO), so I had assumed it must be like ‘the promised land’ or at least OK,ish :sunglasses:? Ditto Hank Marvin ?

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Mrs Pete bought some raffle tickets to help send a friends daughter overseas to compete in some ninja thingy and unfortunately we won. We’re now the proud owners of a 4.5k Toblerone chocolate bar. That should keep the grandkids overdosed on sugar during the Christmas holidays.


Sorry Don, that wasn’t aimed at you, was for Pete…Don’t know if I hit the wrong reply – may have been the WA wine…!

But yeah, you’re right….No promised land, but OK…! Still love the UK, must say…well, the land, the people and the culture…not so much the politics, but that’s a whole other story…!

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How was the storm @Pete_the_painter, looked like it could be a right ripper.

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We got lots of thunder and lightning but it missed us all together. Parts of the Central Coast got hammered. We’ve been having storms or near misses almost every evening lately.



A whole other forum too…!

They recently opened the most complicated interchange in the southern hemisphere possibly the world. It’s been given the nickname of the spaghetti western. While through traffic may have improved residents either side like Balmain and Roselle can’t get out. Friends of ours live Balmain their daughter took 45 minutes just to get out of the suburb to join the main road. Interested to see hear @Bevo getting on.