The Grand Cafe

I found it easier than if it was correct. :grin:


The thing is that people find is special to be able to read it despite being part of a majority.


Well it made me feel special reading has never been a strength of mine, impressed my granddaughter at grandparents day at school.


Iain M Banks did a whole book like that , I think it was called Fearsom Injun (the spilling mistooks being deliberate)

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Oh, wasnā€™t it correct?

I wonder whether that phenomenon is why autocorrect and I often make mistakes in Whatsapp posts. I read it through quickly before pressing send and often donā€™t notice the obvious errors.

Same here, that speed plus auto correct combined with a poor skill levels of spelling/reading makes for a lot of edits. :grin:

When my granddaughter showed me that paragraph I not only could read it quickly I could see it clearly as well. Donā€™t know if itā€™s helped by my dyslexia or not. Often when driving and Iā€™m giving Mrs Pete directions if I say left she instantly asked if my left or your left.


Being able to read those paragraphs may be hereditary as everyone in my family can.

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My wife is a good reader a better speller than me and she struggled.


Thatā€™s interesting, I wonder what traits control the ability. Itā€™s not intellect, thatā€™s fer sure ā€¦ :smiley:

I strangely could read this no problem


Good Gaza seems weā€™re not special (well not that special) after all.

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I see from the NAIT50 thread that you are looking at downsizing @Pete_the_painter :flushed:. Itā€™s not long since you added a new 252 you naughty boy :roll_eyes:

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I was thinking but at this stage itā€™ll just stay a thought. Once Iā€™ve moved into my new place Iā€™ll see how it and all my stuff fits in.

Iā€™ve made no secret of my desire or preference for a 3 box setup.


You must be close to getting the new build underway now?

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Just go to a one box with the Muso 2 - best piece of kit Naim have produced.


Started plumbing work for the sewage, Iā€™m still aiming for winter (June) for our place but the gallery level probably wonā€™t be finished till spring (October). However I havenā€™t got my construction certificate which means technically I canā€™t start but that hasnā€™t stopped us from getting it ready. It helps that they are over an hour away and donā€™t come this side of the Pacific Hwy. :grin:

I didnā€™t realise how time consuming building would be, council has been a nightmare.


Iā€™ve got a gen 1 that I got for my 60th, itā€™s nine years old and apart from the odd network issue itā€™s been fine. Iā€™ve also got 2 gen 2 QBs.


I havenā€™t had a chance to listen to anything (except for in the car). Weā€™ve had guests and Iā€™ve been in grandparent duty at school and sport. Mrs Peteā€™s at work itā€™s a very hot evening Iā€™ve had 2 beers and Iā€™m going sit back and have a listen. :grin:

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Weā€™ve had a fire the last two nights, all day yesterday actually when it never got over 14Ā°C. I thought (hoped) we had the worst of the bad year (more now) of rain and storms, but alas, no it seems.

Actually, since returning from the Sunshine Coast we have had a few discussions about where else we might try living after the mothers have had their time and we no longer have ties where where we live now. Iā€™ve always loved NZ, but it has certainly slipped behind many places now for various reasons.


Iā€™ve often thought of running off to the South France. Sometimes itā€™s a case of the other manā€™s grass is always greener thingy.

We could all write a different story about home.

But fck Iā€™d still love to live in the south of France. :rofl::grin::grin: