The Grand Cafe

I’m sure they’ll take very good care of her and she’ll be at home reclining with her little recently recharged minion running around looking after her.
Best wishes to both of you. Let’s hope the rest of 2023 & the beginning at least of 2024, is relatively uneventful. :face_with_peeking_eye:


It will be a better year as concrete is booked for the 19th of January to start the foundations. The 2 and bit year process has been difficult on both of us. Thanks for your thoughts I do love the spirit in this place. :+1:


You’re lucky they show no mercy here for that kids under 7 must be in suitable child seats in the second row

Oh dear, thats awful bad luck, best wishes to you both.

The lengths women will go to get out of pouring concrete……


We’ve both missed that as I’m not do it either :grin:


Probably best you are not there, luck seems to be elusive for you.


Bloody hilarious! :rofl:

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Well that’s scuppered my week.
Mrs Q just did a LatFlo and she doesn’t have a cold, she has Covid :man_facepalming:t4:
I’ll be off to test shortly, but you can put money on it being positive too🫤

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Bugger, hope she feels OK……bet it was the travel?

She felt terrible last night and this morning Gaza, but already feeling significantly better this afternoon.
I think she must have picked it up whilst we were in Barcelona, as she was feeling a bit rough as we were getting ready to leave yesterday morning.
Annoyingly, I am starting to feel somewhat crappy this afternoon. Got a bit of a headache and and my throats a bit dry and scratchy. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


It’s probably the JN.1 variant that is rising all over Europe and evades previous infections and vaccinations to a greater extent than previous variants apparently.

Every variant avoids the vaccine. The vaccine just stops it killing you. I believe the vaccine works just as effectively against the jn1.

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You guys need to take care if it’s the same strain that my daughter got recently (on that bloody cruise to nowhere) it knocked her around for an over a week.

Most people I know who’ve been overseas recently have all returned with the damn thing. I’m still surprised I didn’t have when I returned home after my trip to the UK in June. We use to get duty free now you get covid instead.

Best of luck.


Thanks Pete.
Covid is an unfortunate fact of life with international travel these days, especially in mainland Europe apparently🤷🏻‍♂️
At least I didn’t come home as a human Van Der Graf Generator…:wink:


I had to look that up :grin:

I guess you mean the generator and not the prog rock band. :rofl::rofl:


I am a fan of the band, but no, I meant the Generator😁

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I’m looking forward to getting home today and focusing on looking after Mrs Pete. Although the family have all pitched in we end up being the hosts (well I do really mean Mrs Pete).

It’ll be nice to get to listen to some music again as well.


Well there’s a surprise. :+1:


Summer has kicked in here now: