The Grand Cafe

Here’s hoping for that confirmation Pete - damn pity re Sunshine Coast little break but something to look forward to


They won’t confirm it till after a pet scan next month but we’re hoping. Just having the last of my 6 scheduled chemo sessions now, should finish that tomorrow. Certainly looking forward to 5-6 weeks break before the next stage.


Good luck those kind of disputes never seem to end satisfactorily. Life online is a gamble when it comes to these things often people just give up as it just gets too hard.


@david1111 hows the fires going where you are, we’ve just sent over some fire fighters to help. Stay safe.


@Mike_S Just had my daily swim at Maloolaba. Water is 21C and quite refreshing to those with a sturdy constitution! I’m finding food prices and wine similar to NZ but petrol much cheaper. In this Sunshine Coast town even if you lived in a shotgun shack there is so much beauty in the beaches and hinterland allied to a beautiful climate I could easily live here. But no family or contacts would make it lonely, so I’ll put up with the wind of Wellington!


We just back in Auckland now, staying overnight at an Airport hotel. Cloudy, windy and cold :flushed:


Hey Pete. Where we are, there isn’t really any danger regarding fires, floods , hurricanes, tornadoes, or even large amounts of snow. We’re on the west side of Toronto, not far from the lake, and the large inland bodies of water that surround us seems to moderate everything. This is one of the main reasons why we will not move too far from here when we move in a year or two.
We do get smoke from the hundreds of fires raging in the north and east of us and apparently it’s worse for one’s lungs than cigarette smoke. Good news is … if the smoke gets really bad, I’ll be able to take up smoking again, which I miss. It’s been 40 years but I still miss it.
Thank you for the fire fighting assistance, btw, I certainly hope we sent some people your way over the last few years when much of Aus was burning.

All this forest being lost to fire saddens me, even tho some of it is normal and needed for some reason. It’s good that cars these days have good cabin-air filters for the smoky times.

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Over the past ten years or so, I’ve often thot of relocating to a simple tropical spot, either permanently, or for just half of each year in order to keep our Canadian health plan in place. But for the same reasons as you suggest, I’ve always made the decision not to.
And really, the place to go to would probably be the south of France in order to have great wines always available. :grinning:


I don’t recall a jazz bar on Granville Island though you could find live music including jazz at the hotel and also a restaurant called the Sandbar.
Prior to moving here I raised a family near the Lake in Lorne Park
Mississauga. Way less snow there vs north of the 401

The bar name was a woman’s name, like Isadora’s or something. I’ll get the name and post it.
We lived in Lorne Park for about 10 years, but moved about twenty years ago. We were on Merrow Road, not far from Lorne Park HIgh.
And yes, I appreciate the lack of snow here as well.

We were on Caldwell, just off Indian Rd. Short walk. Small world!

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Granddaughter number two is heading to Vancouver in a few weeks she’s a bit worried about the fires.

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Finished my last scheduled chemo session looking forward to the break before going into hospital.

Staff have been wonderful nurses are such a dedicated bunch of folk. They’re made what can be stressful much more easier. Angels.


One of my wife’s sisters lives in Van and there hasn’t been any danger of fires close by, just smoke. And my youngest daughter lives in Victoria on the Island and it’s the same thing. So should be fine if she doesn’t have any major lung issues.
She could check weather for the area she is going to and it will give her the air quality index.


Thanks I’ll let them know, they are hoping to get to Victoria. Her partner is a mad surfer.


I’d guess that anyone who usually surfs around the Australian coast must be mad …


Or a death wish


Come on this can’t be a shark everyone knows it’s Nessy


My 552 died.

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What! That was the last thing I was expecting you to post. :scream:

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