The Grand Cafe

It was just a silly from oop north👍

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There is a series of videos from a vet in Queensland , highlights where he is asked to do dental work on a 45 year old salt water crocodile called Riley , and goes looking for a python known as “Big Momma”

Big Momma has been crawling into a roof space of a local health club, she has been spotted crossing the road , and is longer than the road is wide . She too appears to be over seven metres long . She wasn’t at home , the scene resembled Aliens whilst looking in the roof

They also have the job of removing poisonous snakes and taking them back to the lab to harvest the venom

I won’t mention the Funnel Web spiders


I’m not concerned about the wildlife you just need to respect them and give them space. They have more to worry about from us.

As mentioned above I’m more worried about d*ckheads in 4x4s. Where I live is gateway to lots of mountain tracks and Nation Parks, thankfully most are respectful. My other pet hate is middle aged men on Harley Davisons (and similar bikes), pricks ride into town making more noise than necessary at all hours. Sometimes I’d think about going down stairs and kicking their bikes over. However Mrs Pete has highlighted the perils in that approach.


Mrs Pete has your best interests at heart

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Actually there’s more people killed by bees and horses than wildlife in Aus each year. But that fact doesn’t sell papers.

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I have never understood why bikes like Harleys et al are so loud here…Presumably there’s no regulations on exhaust dB levels, which is strange when you think re Australia’s typical nanny state approach….I can’t remember similar bikes being so loud back in the UK, don’t know…I guess they must be the same in their native US….
My neighbour has a similar Honda…loud as f*ck when he starts it up at 6am on some mornings, but I let it go as he’s a decent guy…But there’s another one just a couple of houses away that’s recently arrived (along with their loud vintage v8 Holden or whatever it is), slowing winding me up…!

Re sabotage – sugar in the petrol tank…:wink:
Often have thoughts of casually emptying a couple of bags into a a row of bikes outside the pub, before they come out to start up their ridiculous stage show and kill all conversation within the sq mile…!

Think I must be getting old and grumpy…! :flushed:


No there is a noise limit but on one seems interested in policing it. Some are so loud that actually shake the windows, most are ridden by middle men going through a mid life crisis and fcking should know better.

I’m definitely getting old and grumpy it’s my right, I’ve worked hard to get here. :grin:


Lol…It is hard work…!

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Hmmm….Too busy setting up hidden speed cams I guess for the cash cow…
Don’t know what it’s like over East, but it astounds me the relative lack of enforcement I see on the roads…The amount of phone use at the wheel I still see (I mean really, no hands free in this day and age) and just general dumb ass driving…jumping red lights is another that seems to be getting worse….
But, they’ll nick you for being 2km over 100km/h on a completely open piece of road in the middle of nowhere….

The other thing that I find amazing, here in WA anyway, is that there is zero compulsory checks on actual road worthiness of vehicles…You can drive anything, a 40 year old banger with failing brakes and no one would be any the wiser….Although it was a PIA, having to pass a annual vehicle check (MOT) for all cars older than 3 years in the UK is arguably a sensible idea, more so for other people on the roads…


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The cash cow is Aus wide, it’s pretty bad here but the cameras are set with around 10% margin of error. In VIC (oddly enough they still have the highest death toll) they’re set at 0% margin of error, which is almost predatory.

All vehicles here have to clear an inspection once they’re 4 or 5 years old (not sure).

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I know we’re Federal, but it is amazing just how much some things can vary from state to state…
Certainly no compulsory vehicle checks here based on age…I think the only time you do have to is if a vehicle has no rego or you let it slip, then it has to have an inspection to be able to renew….
I still have my Gen1 CooperS, is under wraps on the driveway and hasn’t been driven for years now as the clutch needs doing and I just kept putting it off….but we’ve kept the basic rego going even though it hasn’t been used….I’ve kept it as it was a car I put a lot of work into over time and it’s now something of a classic as it’s a 2002 in the signature launch colour when BMW relaunched MINI, but it’s getting on now….If and when I can be bothered to get underneath it and fix her up, I can simply (hopefully!) start her up and head on down the road……Fortunately I’m reasonably competent with a spanner or two, so I’d have faith in my work, but it does make you wonder just what is out there sitting next to you on the roads….


Well you are the Wild West. :grin:


You’re telling me.

Yes, and cows as well. Cows kill hundreds more people each year than sharks.
Cows are vicious :upside_down_face: … I guess …

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No, it’s not you being difficult, we get the same sh1t here in the great white north. They wear their black leathers and install straight pipes and feel real cool. Jeep Wranglers are made for guys needing to be hip, it would be a lot quieter.

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Second week of the school holidays here, so heading away for a few days. From this at home:

To this, an hours drive north:


Last week was show week (The Little Mermaid JR) for Miss Mike, a term training every Saturday, a full dress rehearsal and then 5 consecutive show days. This is after the last show. She had an absolute blast.


Keep the vino chilled, I’ll be there soon…! :grinning:

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Forster ??