The Grand Cafe

Brisket slow cooked is fabulous.


22 lbs or around a stone and a half in old money

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I know it’s hard work but I’m sitting in our local enjoying a cold beer.

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Going to live gigs can be dangerous apparently


@Richard.Dane hows your daughter coping with Melbourne, will she be coming home for Christmas?

She’s doing well Pete, thanks for asking. Sadly she’s not coming back to the UK at Christmas.

Hopefully she has family or friends to spend time with over the break, it does go for a long time here. It’ll be strange for her if it’s her first summer Christmas, the summer break does seem to go on forever.

Yes, she has a friend there and they will spend Christmas together.


WOW! That screams 6 figure law suit$$!! :money_mouth_face:

Well done man, definitely a noteworthy achievement as it’s not as easy as it was thirty years back!

10kg. Well done Pete. That commitment to swimming each day has paid off.

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I keep seeing lots of wine posts, what I am having for dinner pics and plenty of dinner with friends or a pint and steak at the pub updates. How on earth have you lost 10kg? :joy:


I think he meant 10 ounces :joy::rofl:


Note to self. Make sure you delete that last post before he gets up. He might not be in the best of moods watching the match.


Too late :rofl::rofl:


It’s no secret you just have burn more calories than you intake. True I do enjoy a glass of red and a good meal with friends but I mainly keep that to the weekends. My goal has always been to work hard (exercise/dieting) Monday to Friday. I still want to enjoy life, no good losing weight and ending up miserable.


The other great benefit about losing the weight we put on over the years is besides the physical uplift I found a huge mental uplift. I felt better about myself and also received a number of unsolicited comments from others that I was looking a lot better. Ofter followed with the question, ‘How did you do it?’

It is great you have access to a pool Pete and keep up the good work!


Our pool has restricted the hours significantly since CV19 , and my waistline has gone up accordingly

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That’s when I started to stack the kgs on, little exercise too much red wine and a glommy outlook.

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Spot on

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