The Grand Cafe

Slightly off topic - I just happened to watch that Churchill movie made a few years ago re WW2

It didn’t get rave reviews but I really enjoyed it

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Don’t forget his champagne intake. The black line round the Pol Roger label was put there when he died. He reputedly said that the problem with a magnum was it was too much for one and too little for two.

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I didn’t know that at all

Thanks Eoink - as they say you learn something new every day


There is a story that at a meeting with his chief scientist, WC asked him to estimate ( considering the size of the room and how much champagne WC had drunk in his life) what the depth of champagne would be if all the champagne he had drunk was poured into the room!

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The idea behind your quote probably originated in ancient Greece, but the actual quotation is usually assigned to Oscar Wilde.

My apologies to all of those who went off on a Winston Churchill theme!

Brian D

Thanks for the correction and education !

From the Interwebzz…

The essential thought is found in the work of the Greek poet Hesiod (c. 700 BC), ‘Observe due measure; moderation is best in all things’, and of the Roman comic dramatist Plautus (c. 250–184BC), 'Moderation in all things is the best policy. ’

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Do you know if this is a true story of WC crispyduck or made up?

He was at a function and drunk - this lady took great offence to his behaviour saying he was very loud and drunk

His comment back to her was - yes madam but in the morning I’ll be sober but you will still be ugly !!

Is that fact ?

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Perhaps Groucho Marx?

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Yes I think he may have used that line also Rafael, you can imagine that

Although I have read his autobiography but can’t remember that comment in it

It’s a good one though, but belongs in a different era

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Allegedly he said it to the socialist MP Bessie Braddock but I think that most view the story as apocryphal rather than true. Personally I find it hard to believe that he would be so spectacularly rude to a woman but who knows

I have only heard it ascribed to WC

I’ve also seen it as claimed as part of an exchange with Nancy Astor with whom he had a famously bad relationship in the House.


But the twist, ascribed (rightly or wrongly) to WC, is the addition of “including moderation” after “everything in moderation “. That’s to say that a bit of excess is good for you too!

Are WC epigrams toilet humour?

[I’ll get my coat.]

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Here’s the info from the International Churchill Society website.

Bessie Braddock MP: “Winston, you are drunk, and what’s more you are disgustingly drunk.”

WSC: “Bessie, my dear, you are ugly, and what’s more, you are disgustingly ugly. But tomorrow
I shall be sober and you will still be disgustingly ugly.”

This world famous encounter occurred late one night in 1946, as Churchill was leaving the House of Commons. Lady Soames, who said her father was always gallant to ladies, doubted the story, but Mr. Golding** explained that WSC was not drunk, just tired and unsteady, which perhaps caused him to fire the full arsenal.

** Attributed to the late Ronald Golding, the bodyguard present on that occasion:



Think a lot of Aussies are going to reconsider a trip to Bali in future.

Indonesia’s new sex laws and what they could mean for tourism.

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And a firing squad for all those canoodling outside marriage ?

Including for tourists, great for business especially trying to recover from covid. I’ve got friends who aren’t married that go regularly won’t go now at as it opens thing up for corrupt cops.

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Nuts if you ask me - probably see the light down the track and reverse