The Grand Cafe

Why not use the Atom ?

I have been but it seems a waste I was going to use it downstairs in the gallery

Fair enough . Obviously your new abode is too big !!! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I want a Muso in our bedroom, I need to stream in the living room, want something in the office (which is actually bed 3) plus something for the gallery. Obviously my main system will go in my studio.


Goodness me

I’m trying to figure out a plan for when I live only on one location ( wherever that might end up) so I’ll have to downsize equipment over time

It’s not easy at all

I may trade the Atom in on 2 Qb’s and pick up an old ndx5 for the living room.

Sounds like a plan

Home, home again I like to be there when I can.

Just realised I’ve got 2 weekends in a row of families Christmas, bring on the new year. :grin:


Good luck with that :weary::weary:

@Pete_the_painter I know you were asking and I need to tell somebody. My wife has now gone to hospital. I was hoping with my care she could have remained at home.
They will carry out further tests and treat accordingly.
Hopefully she will be back home soon.
Even my passion for music has disappeared.
We have been together since school days so understandingly I am quite upset.


Oh God Graham, I’m so sorry to hear that. At least in hospital she has support from excellent medical professionals, so hopefully they’ll stabilise her and set her on the road to a full recovery. My thoughts are with you both, take care of yourself during this stressful time.
Regards Eoin.


Very sorry to hear that. Stay strong for when she returns. Our thoughts are with you both.

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Oh so sorry….my thoughts are with you both❤️


I was looking for any posts of yours now I understand why I didn’t see any.

@igahman I hope things work out and your beautiful wife is back home with you for Christmas. Please take care and we’re all thinking of you.


Oh my, that would be most upsetting, though she will be in the best care. Wishing you both all the best for a good outcome.

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Really sorry to hear this, hope all is well and she is home with you soon.

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This is what I came up with:


Sending along best wishes for a full recovery and safe return home for your wife.

Hopefully you can visit and spend time with her to offer support. The few times I had been admitted to a hospital for treatment I always felt more at ease and comfortable when a family member or friend was spending time with me.

In the meantime keep busy at home and let other family, friends and neighbors know how you are doing and feeling. It can feel worse or overwhelming if you isolate. Do not forget to take care of yourself during this time.


No swimming for me for the next 5 day at least, just had a large cyst removed from the middle of me chest. 7 stitches plus bandages over my hairy chest which will probably hurt more (removing) than the cyst removal. :grin:

Eww, I’ve just had lunch……