The Grand Cafe

Very sorry to read this Gazza, very hard on everyone left behind, despite the circumstances. I’m sure you will give your best support and do take care of yourself too.


@Gazza I’m so sorry. Take care.


How very sad, these things always happen at the time of year when they will have the worst emotional impact.
My father was in the early stages of dementia when he had to go in to Hospital with Cardiac/Blood Pressure issues during the 1st lockdown. They had just identified a large Aneurysm and were trying to decide what to do, when it ruptured in his sleep in the early hours of the morning and he was gone.
My Mum still can’t get over him not being here…
We find it helpful to discuss our memories with her and let her do the same :cry:


She had late stage dementia and did not recognise any family which was distressing in itself……its a bit of a blessing really……but still very upsetting.


I totally understand. We view my fathers passing in much the same way.
Dementia was described to me as the disease that kills you twice to those that are left behind.
First it takes them from you mentally and then eventually physically.
We all hope for a treatment in the future to cure this dread disease…


Any death is upsetting, however one that’s been coming over a period of time is often harder to deal with than a sudden death.


Yes, it’s still stressful and upsetting. Very sorry to hear your family is going through this.

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Very sorry for your wife’s loss . As Mike S said, very hard

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Diesel is much missed on this forum


Thank you. He’s much miss here as well.


Sorry to hear that. Deepest condolences to your family.


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My condolences Gazza. Never easy and hopefully the family can celebrate her life and find some joy in the memories she left behind.

My Father passed in September 1962 and he still visits and brings a smile to my face 60+ years later.


Thankyou……thats a lifetime and some more….bless🙏


Sorry to hear that.

So sorry for your family’s loss Gazza, dementia is a horrible, horrible sickness. Hopefully the healing will follow soon after the grieving.

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You’re father must have been quite young when he passed and you were just a teenager. A difficult time for your family he’d be proud that you (apparently) went on to have a productive life.


My father passed at age 51 and I was six weeks shy of my 11th birthday. He went off to WWII in January 1942 a month shy of his 31st birthday. While away he met and married my mother during the time he was stationed in England who was 10 years younger than him.

My father and his three brothers all passed away from coronary disease problems in the 1960’s all of them in their 50’s.

From a medical point of view we have come a long way and coronary issues that were not identified back then are easily detected and treated today. If we could take care of the planet our children may even have diseases that haunt our generation today be easily cured and treated in the future.


Mrs Pete has been working part time at one of the local nursing homes in town. They have lots of residents (sorry they’re meant to be called consumers) in their late 90s and a few in their early 100s, most with dementia and/or other illnesses. From what she tells me about the quality of life for most I sometimes think death comes as a welcome relief. Of course this doesn’t diminish the impact it has on those they leave behind but it does help to understand that death is inevitable for all.


It is wonderful that Mrs Pete and others can and do cope with these patients in their final months. It came to a head for us when father in law fell in the middle of the night and knocked his head. He asked mother in law to turn on the light…….she went downstairs and turned the light on and stayed down there. He was found next day and taken to hospital and has day carers……mother inlaw had to go into care. So very difficult, but she was 89 and had many good years👍


Gazza I don’t know how she does I know I couldn’t. She does however believe that we’re kinder to out pets.