The Grand Cafe

I think egg nog is some kind of mythical beast - much mentioned but no one has ever seen one!

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Iā€™ve heard of them but without googling it I have no idea whatā€™s in one.

Great to get drunk onā€¦ā€¦not


If you throw up on it youā€™ll literally ā€˜park a custardā€™ :wink:


I just looked at it on line and it sounds more like a pudding. :rofl::rofl:


Although I do like a Snowball at Xmas which is advocaat, vodka, lime juice and lemonade on ice


This has to be in the I donā€™t believe it file, a friend who has a farm ran over a stump in his extremely expensive tractor. The insurance company paid for the replacement engine but our friend had to have to pay $6.5ks freight from Europe. The company rang him today to tell him theyā€™ve lost the engine and no one has a clue where it is. Apparently itā€™s between India and Brisbane, you can just image that some courier has left in the back of his van. :grin:


It was the youngsters drink at Christmas when I was a lad. My dad would make it with minimal alcohol so that we kids could have some.
Bloody horrible if I remember correctly :nauseated_face:

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Inadequate I know, but all I can say is I am sure all on the forum wish you both the very best, and hope Christmas and the New Year gets better and better.


I canā€™t see me putting on the menu, it sounds like a winter drink. Weā€™re expecting temperatures of over 30c the next week or so, an ice cold beer seems more appropriate.

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Iā€™ll be honest Hot or Cold, Iā€™m more a Moscow Mule man than anything else these days.
(Grey Goose, Absolut or Stolichanya Vodka only)!
Sometimes go for a G&T and still very partial to a good ā€˜Real Aleā€™, but donā€™t have the legs of my youth anymorešŸ˜‚

Easily done.

Im a beer, wine, gin, champagne, bourbon, rum kind of guy. :grin:


@Pete_the_painter much of my family, both Paternal & Maternal, live out in Australia. From Melbourne to Bowen and many points in between. We were supposed to be coming out in 2024, but that looks unlikely now.
I bet itā€™s BL@@DY HOT up in Queensland if itā€™s 30 in New South WalesšŸ„µ

Itā€™s a pretty big engine in what Iā€™d presume is a pretty big crate, losing a cd would be understandable but a tractor engine.

Oddly enough it can be hotter in Melbourne than far North Queensland in summer. But it would still be in the high 20s to mid 30s.

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Bourbonā€™s my go to spirit. Old Fashioned is my cocktail of choice. Iā€™m partial to Black & Gold 11 year old.

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Yes, I was being facetius. Many years ago I sent an underwater video camera housing in its flight case. Bright yellow, it was, and fairly heavy (lead weights to make it neutrally buoyant) and quite big. It went missing in transit. That was with Parcel Farce. To be fair, they refunded the postage.

We receive a local newspaper. What they write is so bad that I read the newspaper only for the hilarious language. Itā€™s just beyond primary school level and Iā€™m sure that there are 11 year olds being able to write more coherent text. Unbelievable!

Difficult to please at a partyā€¦.will bear in mind if you get over next yearšŸ˜‚

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