The Grand Cafe

Eggnog ‘spelling’ is possibly a trademarked thing, and supermarkets etc. have to revert to alternatives.


Are you okay with the big storm @seakayaker? Who else is there?

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I’m near Vancouver BC. Same weather as Seattle but unbelievably, @-1c, 6 degrees warmer here this morning vs. Houston Tx

You could almost walk to Seattle from BC, great part of the world.

Think the storms are on the east coast.

My wife and I are doing fine at the moment, we checked the weather and forecast this morning and made the decision that today would be spent at home. Everything around here is a sheet of ice at the moment. The temperatures are now on the rise for the moment then another wet front coming in Sunday with a larger wet storm lined up a couple of days after that.

Local airport had 700 + flights cancelled today so the airport here and airports around the country are in dire straits due to the massive storm. A lot of stranded travelers who will not be getting back home or visit relatives this holiday season. Due to Covid over the past couple of years a bit of added stress for many who thought they were getting back home this holiday season. Alaska Airlines will not re-ticket passengers at the airport because they have no idea when planes will be available with no planes coming in and all flights are already 100% booked. There announcing 10 - 12 hours wait to talk with phone rep. The web site may not be to accommodate requests as well at this time.

In total 5000+ flights cancelled across the USA today.

I am glad I am not traveling this year.

In Seattle today no bus service until after 4 PM due to road conditions, lots of accidents as well as a lot of calls out to the fire department and police to respond for pedestrian injuries from falls. Streets and sidewalks were like a skating rink out there today. Some folks just have no respect for Mother Nature and/or do not have the proper gear to be out and about in ice and snow.

Climate change and this winter storm season is showing what the future may be looking like. Then again it just may be the once in a century condition. Time will tell.


Sounds tough stay warm safe and home. Hope things don’t get worse.


Very wintery conditions all around Toronto as well today and tomorrow. I hope most people will cancel their local travel plans and stay off the roads. I’m sure many will just stay home. Covid has gotten us used to things like that.


I can’t believe some of the temperatures they’re reporting I wouldn’t get out of bed never mind leaving house. Think it’s a wiser idea to just stay home the roads would be a nightmare. Take care.


Stay safe, stay snug. Deepest sympathy for those sheltering from the storm :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain:


There is a town in Michigan called Hell that has frozen over!

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There is also a town called Christmas which i remember well after being pulled over by a cop for speeding a few miles over the 30 limit😥

Isn’t there a town called Alice. :grin:

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Were you in a sled.

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Merry Christmas and good night.


Have a good Xmas with family and 552.

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Enjoy your Xmas Pete.


Yes, thanks. We’ll be staying home and enjoying some good food and coffee, then later on a dram or some wine. There’s plenty of food in the freezer, maybe time for a curry …


Wishing you and your family all the very best


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We are having Christmas today with our Son, his future wife and our Grandson.
They are spending tomorrow with the “Outlaws”!!
Have a good Christmas the rest of you, especially the Antipodeans, who’ll obviously be getting up as we go to bed and the North Americans suffering in the frigid conditions…:santa::christmas_tree: