The Grand Cafe

Everything possible crossed for you and hoping you are all together by the time you read this


Our dinner was a resounding success and my first attempt at a glazed ham was a sold winner, as was the slow cooked leg of lamb. Quite a few bubbles were drank, some chill out time in the pool and spa. Later my older brother and I visited the system to give it a work out, which Iā€™ll report on the 552/300 thread.


Weā€™re all done here as well Iā€™m buggered. Kids are slowing winding down (thankfully) and dinners just leftovers.

Havenā€™t had that much drink think itā€™s time to crack open a red.

Hope you guys have a great day.


We did thanks. My brother, his wife and our mum has just left. Mrs Mikes mum is staying over. I feel sober, having paced it out during the day. Might grab a Port since I had to open the bottle to glaze the ham :sunglasses:

Miss Mike was delighted to have two present sessions and brandy snaps with whipped cream and copious amounts of sparkling grape juice.


I am furious with myself for tempting fate.
I was full of myself because my wife was coming home from hospital for Christmas.
She arrived home at 10.30 pm Christmas Eve but she didnā€™t seem well. I put it down to tiredness but Christmas Day she deteriorated throughout the day.
Earlier tonight she was re admitted.
Itā€™s been the worst Christmas Day ever.
You will understand if I donā€™t make any further posts until we get through this.
Thanks to everyone for kind wishes.


Oh dear, very sorry to hear this. I hope,it works out well for you both.


Thatā€™s really awful. I hope that all turns out well, and soon.


Weā€™ll all be thinking of you guys. Take care.


So sorry to hear of your continuing troubles. Hope you get some good news soon.


So sorry to hear your newsšŸ™


My very best wishes for you all



So sorry to hear about your wifeā€™s set-back. Iā€™ll be thinking of you both and letā€™s hope there are better times ahead.
Take care.


I hope sheā€™s back home quickly.


Hi Eoin,

How are you today ?

I wonder if the pressure of getting to London , didnā€™t overdo things slightly?

Having said that not my place to pry, but just to hope you are back home asap

best wishes



Itā€™s quite possible Ian. Also possibly the glass of wine a week ago sped up issues in the pancreas, it looks like that had become active before then, but maybe that hastened the inevitable.
Iā€™m feeling fine in myself, but having had a pseudo-aneurysm embolised yesterday I have been told a week of monitoring and stabilisation.

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Iā€™m so sorry to hear that your wife had to return to the hospital. Very stressful and saddening for you all.
Just canā€™t imagine ā€¦
Hope things go better in the new year.


Hope you guys in North America are staying safe, just read some horrible stories about the devastation these winter storms are bringing.

Like most weā€™re hoping thereā€™s some relief soon.

Thanks. Right where we are has actually been okay. Some low temp and high winds but little snow. But not far from us itā€™s been bad and some parts of the States have been very bad, and exascerbated (canā€™t you go blind from that?) by the fact that itā€™s not the norm and they donā€™t have the equipment and experience to accommodate it.
It really sucks.

Just read the death toll has risen and theyā€™re expecting to find more victims as it eases. A devastating Christmas for many.

Yeah, it really is a terrible situation. It seems like the weather and other very natural events are being disatrrous for us these days. And I kinda believe itā€™s gonna get worse in the following years.