The Grand Cafe

We lived in Michigan for a few years and experienced lake effect snow first hand. In Traverse city and the Upper peninsula it was just relentless snow, but once it stopped the communities seemed to have well honed snow plan.
The outcome of this though seems much worse, very sad news so far.

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Friend sent me this overnight, not sure what he’s trying to say.


Van Gogh was worse. He was mental all his life and I don’t think he had even an home studio.

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If its a consolation i fit the last two……but not the first😂


Just showed this to Mrs Willy. If anyone’s looking me tonight I’ll be in the spare room.



He had the yellow house, painted some of he’s best work there. Unfortunately it was destroyed during the WWll.

It’s rather odd the friend that sent it is the guy that’s given me a studio till ours is built.


Guess we just have to be an exception to the rule, or just pretend.

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The 250 and a couple of power lines were picked up by their new owners yesterday and will be running off a Nova that wanted more juice to drive some nice speakers.

A nice Christmas present for someone, we got home yesterday and then had to go to a get together with some friends up the valley. After a week with grandkids it was nice to just enjoy ourselves with a beer and friends. Looking forward to being reconnected with my system later today before a busy New Year’s Eve.

Just in our local supermarket and noticed this, there should be law against this kind of stuff.


I agree , equating Cadburys with chocolate …

It’s not even New Year’s Eve and there’s damn hot cross buns in the bloody supermarket, they just don’t let up.


I went into a huge supermarket just after Easter time and there were carol singers, in a grouchy mood (Me , never?) and asked if it wasn’t just a tad premature to have carol singers just after Easter

To be asked “Do you know what date today is ?” I replied “1st of April - oh I’ve been …”


It seems every day is the 1st of April these days. :rofl::rofl::rofl:


We have “Hot Cross Buns” all year round here Pete🤷🏻‍♂️
A regular visitor to the Breakfast table😋

Back when I was a youngester when tv was black and white we only saw hot cross buns a month or so before Easter. :grin:

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Loewe is releasing a new TV, the Loewe Iconic:

It’s made of some recycled composite material and weights 83 kilograms.

Somehow I’m strongly attracted by this too expensive TV. It’s only 8k euros what not to like.

We bought a Loewe 6 years ago and it survived all infant and pet aggression. It’s still going strong and we don’t need a new tv but hey watching is free …

I’ve always been impressed by the TVs. I had the last analog they made, damn big and a heavy thing it was but they’re so expensive here compared to competitors.

It’s NY Eve here already and Mrs Pete and I are off up the coast to catch up with a friend who lost her only brother on Christmas Day. Then it’s back to Gloucester for dinner/drinks and fireworks with friends.

Hope everyone as a great new year. My wish for 2023 is that we start to look at what we have in common rather than what we don’t. Take care.


Have a great new year Pete. I hope your friend is coping as well as she can in that circumstance.
My resolution is more localised, at least once this year I’ll remove my glasses before opening the oven door so that they don’t steam up.