The Grand Cafe

I a few hours I’ll post some photos of the result. It’ll be an afternoon of work.

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Well it’s 2023 here and as usual you blokes are soo yesterday.


HNY Pete.

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Aw ra best doon there, Pete, … … … goan yersel’ an’ huv a smashin’ 2023. :scotland:


A Rolin’ HNY to those in the relevant timezone


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Oliebollen indeed. Many hours to go.

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That’s it Bruss. Are these self made?

Not self made. A very kind neighbour from the low countries has brought them round. Unfortunately we Brits have nothing to respond with but a piece of coal!

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Well say hi to your kind neighbour. I’m sure he’ll appreciate a good fish and chips on a Friday afternoon!

If I could say it properly I would wish him and his wife the same as I wish for you

Een gelukkig nieuwjaar

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Many baked already, we distribute them to the family er cetera which lives in the same town.


They look great but what’s in them?

After watching the fireworks both locally and then Sydney and across the globe lead me to ask - are fireworks really the best option these days. While I’m not saying I’m not impressed by some of the displays it’s a huge waste of energy creates a lot of pollution and ultimately isn’t that good for the environment. In Australia we also have the issue of potential bush fires most years.

I’ve seen drone and laser displays that are equally as impressive with out all the bang and smoke. One of the best laser shows I’ve even seen was in a fountain in Barcelona, Mrs Pete and I were amazed.


And the same to you cobber hope you and your sheila, family had fckin’ great new year. :grin:

I was thinking the same last night……we saw the Sydney fireworks……wonderful, but then Hong Kong put on a cinematic light show, just as good.

Happy new year and hope the build goes to plan.


We had a few fireworks for Miss Mike at 9pm :sunglasses:

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I stayed up, no great desire to see in the New Year, but worried that any fireworks would disturb Mrs Houdini

Watched Skyfall , lots of bangs in that- very impressed with the BluRay sound, even with my little Harbeths.

No fireworks thanks to the torrential rain we have” enjoyed “ .

I think I must get her a new scratching post.
Slept soundly.