The Grand Cafe

Which technique are you using? You could strap it on your back or place it on one shoulder I guess.

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As itā€™s a washing machine hopefully it will be a clean lift


Boom boom

I thank you

Well heā€™s not responding hope heā€™s ok.

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Yes survived. Solid piece of German engineering (Miele) is a bit closer to heaven now.

Itā€™s quite easy to be honest as long as it is a quick action and there are no delays. Dad did the top side / steering / pulling and I lifted it on my arms. Back straight, lifting done by the legs.


It wasnā€™t a great idea. Firstly the risk of injury in the manoeuvre. Secondly, storing a heavy item in the attic risks a structural failure or the washing machine falling through the ceiling into a room below :flushed:

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Glad youā€™re ok the only problem with putting in the attic is at some stage youā€™ll have to get it down.


Did they put in some metal pins to hold you together?

No it was a hinge. :rofl::rofl:

I was worried that Iā€™d put on weight over Christmas especially as I wasnā€™t swimming but thankfully Iā€™ve only gained 0.5 kg.


So you were unhinged before :wink:

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Iā€™m still unhinged, I prefer that way.

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Just got great tickets to see Elton John on Sunday night.


Gee @seakayaker havenā€™t watch a game of NFL for ages and flicked on the Bills v Bengals game just before the injury. Donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever seen that on field before hope his ok. :crossed_fingers:

Hey, what scale is that?
Excellent photograghy ā€¦ it really looks like a full-size car ā€¦

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The NFL and at other levels such as college and high school football has demonstrated that it can be brutal. The athletes continue to get bigger, stronger, faster and the equipment they wear does not prevent severe injuries from occurring.

For me the injury that always comes to mind occurred on August 12, 1978 in preseason game with the New England Patriots playing against the Oakland Raiders at Oakland Coliseum. Darryl Stingley a wide receiver was hit by Raiders defensive back Jack Tatum. As Stingley stretched for an errant pass, he and Tatum collided. Stingleyā€™s helmet made contact with Tatumā€™s shoulder pad, compressing his spinal cord and breaking his fourth and fifth cervical vertebrae He eventually regained limited movement in his right arm, but spent the rest of his life as a quadriplegic.

Most of the time it is a fun game to watch but episodes like tonight shine a true light on how brutal the game is.

A player for the University of Washington On Oct. 28, 2000, Curtis Williams tackled Stanford University running back Kerry Carter in a helmet-to-helmet collision. He suffered a spinal cord injury between the C1 and C2 vertebrae. He passed away 18 months later.

Severe injuries occur at all levels at football games and when you witness one like this evening you wonder is it really worth it and why the hell am I watching it.


Weā€™re brought up with rugby and Aussies Rules both brutal games. Injuries are part of it all I guess but that was rather different Iā€™ve not seen playing crying like that. Just goes to show you just how fragile life really is.

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They performed CPR and used a portable defibuator to resuscitate Damar Hamlin while he was on the field prior to getting him into the ambulance. At the hospital they have intubated him. No news regarding the extent of his injuries have been released at this time.

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@Richard.Dane dud youā€™re daughter enjoy a Christmas in summer?

Thanks for asking Pete - It was a bit different, and I think she spent Christmas Day on her own as her friend was working all day until late (Doctor).