The Grand Cafe

That’s a bit disappointing spending Christmas Day on her own.

Oops there goes another thread, not to mention posts. :grin:

Isolated for the moment - just about the only option, considering the embargo is still strictly in force. It will return in time for the launch.

What time is the launch Richard?

Seems you can’t trust dealers or those convicts. :grin:


It’s now on the 5th :joy:

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All info is embargoed until 2pm GMT.

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Great. I will make myself a sandwich and pour a cup of tea at 1.55. @Mike_S do you want me to wake you up?


Good idea👍

We won’t have to be woken as we’ve found out everything while you blokes have a sleep.

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But have you……it could have been a hoax?:wink:


Hah! I’ll be having a sleep-in hopefully. Anyway, I’ve only had the 552/300 for 2 weeks, so aren’t looking at changes quite yet.

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That’s so true but it won’t stop me from sleeping like a log.

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Good for you. All my kit works very well too, and whatever gets revealed later on today won’t change that fact. :grin:

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The bottom line is I’m going to sleep knowing I have a wonderful sounding setup and when I wake it’ll still sound as good.

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By the way you’ve won the lucky door prize as the 15,000th post.

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(I’ll reward myself with a cup of tea)


You probably need it after all the editing you’ve had to do this morning. You must dread product launches.

They should be fun, so long as everybody does what they are supposed to do. Of course, it’s almost impossible to keep a tight lid on things when you’re trying to inform a network of hundreds of people sometimes months prior to launch. There’s always someone who will want to be the first to “know” and to let the internet in on the big secret. It ruins the fun of it and I would much rather that even if someone accidentally finds out, that they “play the game” so it doesn’t ruin things for everyone else.

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If you fancy a day off you could always appoint @Pete_the_painter ”leader” for 24 hours. On second thoughts….