The Grand Cafe

I wouldn’t put me in charge of a piss up in brewery.

Anyway it wasn’t me the posted the pictures I tried to resist but being an irresponsible convict I couldn’t help myself.


Be careful what you wish for…Pete has form for posting anyway down or up…who knows what might happen!


It’s all relative, what’s up for you is down for us.

…which doesn’t of course apply to prices…!

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No it’s all up for us. :grin:

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It’s 4/1 not 1/4 :slight_smile:

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Maybe you will need something a bit stiffer :rofl:

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I’m off to bed and by the time I wake it’ll be old news. They’ll be hundreds of posts with lots of opinions and speculation.

Hopefully Richard can have a sleep in.


You could pre-order and be ahead of the game.

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Only an hour and 10 to go peeps. Wake up @Pete_the_painter @Mike_S

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I’m watching the BBL but I don’t think I’ll last much longer.

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I guess the most positive thing to come out of the launch is we won’t have to navigate all those NAC272 threads anymore.

I wouldn’t bet on it - there will still be those 272 obsessives :rofl:

TBH I am going to miss it all as well. Got to do someone’s annual appraisal at 2pm. :+1:

Oi. I’m not obsessed with getting a new one. Intrigued maybe.

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Doing someone’s appraisal gives time for the forum/internet to explode before you get to it!

True. I might be using “the praise sandwich” technique during our discussions. Keep me posted if I need to buy anything new. Going into battle right now……


“Praise sandwich” - love it! :rofl:

Is that:

  1. Say something positive
  2. Say what you want to say (burn the heretic)
  3. Say something positive again


You got it. Typically you say “I really like the way you perform this particular function, and in this area you have a lot of valuable experience to share with the team. Mind you your time keeping is lousy, for gods sake buck up. But well done on another great year”. The negative message is the nasty layer of filling between two delicious slices of sourdough. It’s all from the David Brent management handbook.