The Grand Cafe

Thanks for the update Pete.

My Mum had her 3 weekly blood test yesterday and has been summoned to see the Doctor tomorrow due to some concerns. Also has a bladder infection yesterday, and is on treatment for that now. I’m going to go with her, as she says everything is serious, and I don’t know which on the list of things to take more seriously (unfortunately she is something of a hypochondriac and I don’t won’t to miss anything more important, as there had been a lot going on recently, if that makes sense?). She’s 86, so time is ticking along.


That’s problem they get to an age and everything is going wrong. Think it’s a good idea to go with her.

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Yes, I have my fingers crosse good lady . for Igahman , and have noted we haven’t heard from him. I hope things are improving for him and his wife and family

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I didn’t want to tag him as I didn’t want to bother him but I’m hoping all is ok.


The water has stopped running into the garage at 8pm (it started at 10am). I’ve been sweeping it out every half hour. Having a whisky now to celebrate.


Have one for me :+1:

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Better than expected i guess, be thankful for small mercies…….hope she bounces back🙏


Headed here @Pete_the_painter to avoid further thread drift. How are the Neats settling in? I’ve been having a few “eye poppers” today :sunglasses:

The whole thing sounds better than Elton’s gig on Sunday. I don’t play Dire Straits much but they’re great recordings to test your hi fi. The Neats have lots of deep controlled bass. Got a friend who’s looking to spend some money with Harry coming over on Friday it’ll be interesting to see what he has to say. Also Mrs Pete’s away from tomorrow morning till lunchtime on Tuesday. :grin:

This sounds way better than than one would think @Bevo. 1980’s Rega Planar 3 into a 552. WTF, it’s lovely! Do you use an isolation platform on your LP12?

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Sure do Mike - full fraim on each of the 2 LP12’s - they need the isolation platform

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Was wondering about something like this for the Rega to tidy things up?

Mike you well and truly have fallen down that rabbit hole. :rofl::rofl:


Yes that may well work I would think. The Rega’s don’t require as much isolation as the Linn’s but I still think you would achieve some sonic benefit with that platform , and as you say it will tidy it up from a visual point of view

Then you’ll be on your way to continue up the TT ladder ha ha :crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face:

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Don,t mock he has almost joined his burrow to ours over here in blighty😂


Don’t panic guys, there’s nothing in the Rega range that is a better match visually with Naim classic range, so it’s not going anywhere. It was serviced a few years ago, new belt, posh blue mat :roll_eyes:, and a better cart. It would just be nice to have it sitting higher to match the 552. It’s made in NZ and is under $500.

Now about this 552. With the Fraim base, it’s just exceptional with the NDX2/555PS/300. Today it just found it’s magic. I can’t believe really that I have it, it was such an excellent buy. Now that I’ve sold the 250DR, SC, 252 and the spare power lines, it’s less than a new Nova and I’ve still the SL for the 250 to move on.

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Well done Mike, the 552 is a cracker

Having had the full 500 series (CD based) , I know what your experiencing

But I’m now very happy at the 252/250 level and suits the smaller spaces I now live in

With all this streaming hype, I’ll see where I go

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Tell you what though Mike - a Linn Sondek LP12 Majik in black plinth would look absolutely fantastic next to the 552 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Would blow you away vs Rega :+1:


I’m sure it would. And Mrs Mike would be blowing me down the driveway, bags en-tow :flushed::flushed:


Ha ha - Chris (ex Naim distributor ) now Linn distributor is a gun at setting them up

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