The Grand Cafe

I’m sure is. I’m sure I’ve also help fund his retirement :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.

Just playing WYWH back to back. As nice as the Rega is in that warm analogue way, the NDX2/555PS is way ahead. Probably not a far comparison really. I’m sure a top LP12 would be superb, but I can only afford one rabbit hole.

I’ll wear you down - 2 rabbit holes good for you young fella :stuck_out_tongue:

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I agree!
This hobby is a Sonic Adventure, not a Beauty Contest.
A Black Ash LP12 Magic or ‘Frankendeck’ would definitely up the Sonic ability and WIN the Beauty Contest :wink:

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That is the problem if you’ve got a top digital player you’d need to spend a lot of money to get a good turn table to equal them. Then there’s a phono amp and other add ons. Total that up plus the cost of good (if you can find it) vinyl and you’ve got a trench as opposed to a hole.

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Ahh! Cute, until the Mink (HiFi Dealer) turns up… :rofl:

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You can’t see Mike in that drawing he’s still digging


A thought process I went through c. 10 years ago… go vinyl which, if you throw enough money at it, might be better BUT you need to spend a heck of a lot to, IMO, to better a good streamer setup. In the end it was more the cost of the LPs that was the decider: CDs and downloads are generally cheaper and more guaranteed to be acceptable quality.

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True I’ve got 2 TT trenches - might have to rectify that at some stage

What and get a 3rd. :rofl::rofl:

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Ha ha

True but you need to be careful around here saying that there’s people who may want you strung up as a hieratic. :rofl::rofl:


When he surfaces here, I let you know.

You might have provide him with food and lodging as his more likely not allowed back home.

He better gets up here than at AJ van den Hul’s place which is nearby. There is no possibility of an escape there without a super expensive element and some fancy cables.

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Did a deal on this in the end. Setup will be complete.

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Sure Mike :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Mrs Pete’s away till Tuesday think I might wind the volume up and leave the housework till Tuesday morning. :grin:

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Well, at least for this year in terms of the box layout.

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I’m just about settled my account for the speakers and 2 QB Muso’s. :scream:

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