The Grand Cafe

I’ve just settled my next provisional tax bill. That was painful, I needed a comfort buy :rofl::rofl:

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LP12 will do it :+1:

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I use to be able to write the odd purchase off but now I’m going to find that a bit harder.

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You’re nothing if not persistent. :rofl::rofl:

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I’d rather have my tax money go towards hi-fi, that’s a given.

I used to think paying tax was a privilege, now I just feel that the more you work and take personal responsibility, the more you are just treated like a cash cow. Anyway, the word “privilege” is now abused, so I refuse to even use it.

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Ha ha - I’ve got this far in life being like that :crazy_face:

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I’m quite happy to pay my share but I’m reluctant to pay some one else’s

Cause the company now has retain profit and we’re not engaging any labour I need to be careful. I’ve just taken on a small project to keep things ticking over. @Bevo might be interested that we’ll more than likely be doing the Bennelong restaurant at the Opera House.


Our wonderful young cat avoids this like the plague:

Probably for good reasons

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I think I would too……

Well that’s a good project for you Pete to keep your fingers in the pie

No doubt quality products required

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And margin to be made. :grin:

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Should pay for a complete new naim system - I know what you’re thinking :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Yet you used it twice in this rant🤔

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…and me!

…and more TAX to be paid🤷🏻‍♂️

As I said I really don’t mind paying my share. Also if you’re paying lots of tax you’ve obviously made lots of money, I feel a little sorry for some people who are in a salary and get no real opportunity to minimise their tax.

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@Mike_S if you want check out the bass in your new stuff go to Qubuz and find The Cruel Sea - The Honeymoon is Over. Track 1 leading into track 2 and track 4 should deliver deep bass that’s not muddy with lots of Naim prat.

PS the whole album is wonderful but might not be your thing it’s a bit swamp rock.

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Black Stick is groovy too. Thanks for the heads up. The girls are in bed, so can’t go too loud to really rumble it at the moment.

Yes I meant to mention that, it needs to be played loudly. Give it a try next time your home alone.

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