The Grand Cafe

Great bass though, Mrs Pete’s away and friends at the local Chinese restaurant a few doors up texted me to tell me they could hear it.

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Ever seen a guy pull up in a 1967 Mercedes SL, it’s been superseded years ago but he still loves it and what’s more it still looks fantastic. I’ve decided that’s how I’m going to view my hi fi, it still looks great and sounds spectacular. :grin:


Good on you Pete

I run a chrome bumper 32.5/hicap/250 down south in second little system

It still sounds fantastic

I have the chrome bumper NAT01/PS FM tuner here in Balmain, I can’t imagine life without it

This stuff lasts forever

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You mean like a new Naim classic look😁

Kind of but their new classics are actually new

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Best of luck. It’s a situation I deal with frequently as a gp, and it is great when supportive family members are present. It is amazing how little an elderly person takes in at times, and great when their supporter can help clarify things.

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Seems like one of the local farmers is trying something different this year.
We have a field of Swans behind the house today. There is also a lone male Pheasant strutting around, acting like he’s in charge🤣

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He should planted more. :rofl:

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Just had a look on line of the costs of Naim stuff here.

Biggest surprise the Statement is now $440,000 it was just under $300,000 when it was released. Also the turn table is still showing as in stock which means it probably hadn’t sold here as well as they thought it would.

New Classics are there ready to pre order 250 NPX and 222 all conveniently priced at $13,500 each. There’s no real bargains on any of the other old Classics however the Muso’s are heavily discounted. A new gen 2 Muso wood version is listed at $2,299 they were well over $3,000 when they were released.

Might be a good time to sit out and wait to see what effect the new stuff has on the old.

Old stuff will eventually be an excellent buy with an excellent SQ making it a bargain

Just left a friend who’s on his way to Sydney (his got a place In Balmain and here) to catch up with Harry tomorrow. Talked him into one of those integrated amps and Near speakers. He loved the Orkestras.

Supernait 3 ?

Possibly I was just on the phone to Harry his setting up a system for him now.

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I’m just listening to my SN3/HICAPDR/Hi- lines combo

At $13k it cost me for that combo imo it’s a bargain , a real sweet spot in the naim range I reckon

The SN3 won’t drive the Orkestra’s to perfection but their little brothers/sisters stand mounts the Majistra’s Harry drives those with the SN3

Hope it all works out for your mate ( and our fellow dealer of course) :+1:

The little bros are what he’ll be looking at. Can’t have 2 pair of Orkestras up here I’ll lose my bragging rights.

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Indeed can’t let that happen

I’m interested to see what Naim might do with the Supernait down the track - if they lift the wattage a bit and able to sneak in the DR into the box it could be a real crowd pleaser

3 boxes

. Stand Alone Streamer 300
. 300 Power Supply
. New Supernait 300

I’ll bet that would put the cat amongst the pigeons as they say

Still not as good as all separates though as we know

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Just had a swim here, took Miss Mike for the big waves. She loved it, came up from each wave with a smile ear to ear and eyes as wide as saucers :sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses:


And the temperature Mike in and out of the sea ?

Down the southern highlands this weekend?

Nope I’ve hit a full on social calendar this weekend , all a bit much really

Lunch tomorrow with guy I use to work with , he’s off to 3 weeks in Antartica

Bar/dinner tomorrow night in Newtown

Late breakfast Sunday over at Clovelly with friends

Dinner Sunday in Balmain with friend up from Melbourne

Not sure I’ll survive

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