The Grand Cafe

You must like people I don’t think I’d make Saturday night. :rofl::rofl:

The current 300 is around $19k here I wonder what its replacement is going to land at. It’d have to be around $24k based on the increase for the new 250.

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All happening this weekend for some reason - the planets have aligned

Nuts - might have to can Sunday late breakfast

Ps don’t like humans that much I can assure you

Cooler today, the air temperature was 21°C. I’m picking the sea was around 22 to 23?

So warmer in the water. :grin:

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Google says it’s only 20 :flushed:

Yep the price increases are a bit frightening

I’m trying to figure out how do I drop box count without drop in SQ

I think I’ll give up :weary:

Just had a look here @Pete_the_painter. A lot now discounted, the 282, 252, 250 and 300. The 300 is reduced from $21,600 to $14,500. It might pay to keep an eye out for a local discount on that if you are keen.

I was a bit surprised this morning when I looked I was expecting some discounting but there wasn’t apart from the Muso range. Even the old 250 was listed at $9.5ks the same as it’s been for a while. I thought there would be some deals in order to move stock before the new arrivals.

Yep I am bit surprised also

Maybe the recent 20% discount promotion over the past few months just before Xmas cleared out a lot of the stock

What drop in the 282 Mike ?


$13,100 to $7,980. Oddly, only one of the retailers has discounts at the moment.

252 is $16,000 to $11,500.

If I hadn’t got such a good buy on the 7 year old 300, that sale price would be very tempting (it’s about twice what I paid for the used model).

I went to the distributors website as they also have a retail outlet and there’s no discount here at present.

WoW big drop on 282

I guess the distributor will have to wait to see what the demand is for the new gear

If it’s a high demand , the discounts on the old gear will appear quickly

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He’s probably best to get a box swap in whilst Mrs Pete is away……


Ha ha good thought Mike :+1:


Maybe the distributor channeling all the discount gear through one retailer

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Before the internet that may have been an option but there’s no chance now.

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I don’t think the new stuff will appear that quickly either. The streamers will be last as they’re the newest boxes in the classic range and loyal fans won’t be happy if they’re made redundant within 4 or 5 years.

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