The Grand Cafe

Not sure yet I’ve been struggling with one about 2.0m x 1.5m but I’m not sure if I’ll repaint or start on a new canvas.

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How about a still life of the web page developer?

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Oddly enough she’s would have to be dead to do a still life (technically speaking). :grin:

Still life refers to paintings/drawings of static objects like fruit and flowers.

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This will more than only affect Aussies so I’ll post it here rather than another thread. Renee Geyer passed away today, she had a wonderful voice. I only played her It’s a Man’s Mans World last week. Another victim to complications during hip surgery.

I’m sure you could find an appropriate alternative form of painting :grinning::grinning:

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Saw her a few times

When she was hot she was hot :+1:

Mike you probably won’t be surprised that there’s a huge interest in life drawing classes here. Once the gallery is up and running we’ll definitely run one a month. Mrs Pete and I have both already been approached by models looking for work.

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It’s incredible the rise of painting studios/classes in regional towns I’ve seen them in southern highlands. Lady I know has one in Mittagong and now has her major one in Canberra

Even one now in the front section of the old Balmain Town Hall Hotel

It’s great to see

Yes but I’m very suspicious of those “classes” in pubs where they even supply the materials. Think they’re just full of dirty old (and some young ones) men, if you don’t own your own stuff you really should be there it’s almost like a peep show. A friend of mine’s daughter works in that pub in Balmain that runs them and agrees with me.

Did my reply post just get deleted

No disrespect but your comment above is much worse and imo not accurate

No I didn’t delete anything (I can’t delete your post) and there’s no disrespect at all we’re all entitled to our opinions. Sorry no problems here. Maybe you posted it by mistake on a different thread.


Well I can’t help members can only report/flag posts and then Richard decides wether it’s deleted. Type it out again you’ve obviously done something.

All I said was the huge folding windows open out to Darling St so can see everything

I’ve only seen ladies ( mainly older and a few younger ones ) having a fun time

Never seen a guy there , as everyone is in rows , they would be too afraid !!

Even at street to cross at the lights I know it’s ladies as the chatter is enormous !!!

Well that’s good as they have had mixed results in some places. Even in art colleges there’s been the odd issue. However I do believe they shouldn’t supply the materials.

And I should add it’s not a pub anymore , it was completely gutted.

There’s a wine/alcohol purchase area right at the back of the open space

They are running them in pubs which I think is a little dangerous.


Anyway back on track

If I get a streamer, you 2 guys need to get a top flight TT each

Otherwise it’s not fair :rage::rage:

There is no track it’s all random :rofl::rofl::rofl:

That’s not happening. The cost of you streaming is a lot less than me getting into vinyl. It’s not just a TT it’s the ridiculous price their charging for new vinyl.