The Grand Cafe

Stop reminding me young fella

Worst mistake of my Naim journey moving that on :cry::cry:

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That was a biggie though.

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Yep but itā€™s in a good place

Never know might do a boomerang one day :grinning:

Problem is a cd player isnā€™t forever.

Was it better than the LP12?

Same level, just different

A right fool was I

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There you go previous system - full 500 plus LP12 40th anniversary

Was pretty damn fine and not even DRā€™d



Mike was it you that suggested I think on this thread that regarding streaming I should just attach an ND5XS2 to my nDAC to be more or less in line with NDX2 SQ?

I know you mentioned that combo at some stage

Certainly a very cheap option


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Yes, I did. A used ND5 XS2 is probably under $4K, but still probably good value new. Just be sure you are happy with using the app to control it, as there is no remote or screen.

Advice much appreciated :+1:

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Will warm up the phono again to test the new platform. Iā€™m not expecting miracles.

Itā€™s my 4th anniversary today or so Iā€™m informed by an additional badge. What am I expected to do and who do I take out for dinner. Wish theyā€™d remind when it was my wedding anniversary that way I probably wouldnā€™t get in as much trouble as I do when as usual I forget it.


Ha ha funny bugger you are !

Not sure about all this news around Naim and what it means for its future. Guess the only thing you can be sure of is its Britishness is at real risk. Think Salisbury may end up just R&D and service with the majority of gear made elsewhere.

I was told a few things a couple of years ago by someone with an axe to grind their view on Naims future and it appears it was true (most of it anyway).


Thatā€™s weird, I had one of those today.

Iā€™ve got a annual recurring all-day-event set up on my Apple devices for the girlā€™s birthday and the wedding anniversary.

Think I have as well but itā€™s only useful if you look at it. Since retiring I very rarely look at my PC or calendars.

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So itā€™s our anniversary. The flowers havenā€™t turn up yet and where are you taking me to dinner.

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Maccas :crazy_face:

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Thankfully itā€™s a hours drive to the closest one. :grin:

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