The Grand Cafe

Yeah good one I haven’t set foot in one of those joints for 30 years odd

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Last time I was in Maccas was at my grandson’s request and he thought I was really weird for not eating anything. It bugged me that I was paying for his dubious “meal” but at least he seemed to enjoy it. Funny thing, his dad is a chef and also likes Maccas!

We called in on the way back from seeing Elton John the other evening I was just going to get a shake but got a fillet of fish. It was horrible and I can’t believe how small everything has got.

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I have always wanted to take their advertising material in to a store, point at a picture of a big mac and ask for one of those then ask why the actual burger looks nothing like the advertised product. The only reason I haven’t is that it would be very unfair to the poor exploited bugger behind the counter.

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They’re burgers about about the size of sliders now and any nutritional value had been removed completely. Sht stuff.

Do you remove the cover on the LP12 when playing a record, or put it back down @Bevo?

I either leave it in the air if the hinges are tight enough - done a few tests in this and sounds fine - Harry does this also but also removes

Never had an issue but have to have the best tight hinges

However lately I’ve taken to removing the cover. I’m getting somewhat nervous in my aging years and don’t want to destroy 2 Linn Kandid cartridges at $6k a pop

Probably for maximum SQ best to remove I reckon . I never shut the cover down

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Should mention also the more one removes the cover the more the hinges get a tad looser/ wider

The hinges are also susceptible to temperature variation

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I assume the advantage of lid up is less vibration. If this is the case would it be a good idea to put a weight (maybe a wheat bag) on top of the lid? Maybe I should have patented this idea before mentioning here.

How is your Mum doing Pete?

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Ha ha :grinning::grinning:

Organically grown acoustically inert wheat, I will be in the market for a full Statement in no time. Anyone keen to invest?

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Not great Gazza she’s not eating and just wasting away. She had limited use of her right side now she has little control over her left side and the doctors had already told us that they expect her to have another stroke sooner than later. We have a family hook up with the nursing home tomorrow to discuss her care.

Thanks for asking. :+1:

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That’s very tough Pete. I hope the hook-up tomorrow goes well.

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Back in 2019, there was a grumpy thread about this very thing. @FangfossFlyer topped all other comments for me when he wrote “Ivor Tiefenbrun once said to me back in the 80’s that keeping the lid on the LP12 whilst playing at volume reduced airborne vibrations on the arm and cartridge.” :grinning:

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So sorry……that does not sound promising, and they do not force them to eat. Hope the call go’s OK🤞🏽


Sorry to hear this Pete.
Nothing worse than watching a close family member fade out…:slightly_frowning_face:
I hope tomorrow gives some comfort whilst formulating a care plan.

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Years ago there was the advice that you should leave the lid up, because if you put it down then any static electricity on the lid would slightly attract the tone arm, thus changing the playing weight of the cartridge. I found it hard to believe then, and continue to do so.

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Me too Beachcomber

The only reason I keep the lid up ( although more and more am removing) is because I’m a lazy bugger to remove it from time to time :grinning:


I’m so sorry to hear that Pete, I hope the meeting goes well.