The Grand Cafe

My understanding on the “lid up” principal was that it created an echo chamber that would change the colour of the sound produced.
I also have significant scepticism regarding this, yet still always either leave the lid up or remove it completely from my Turntables :man_shrugging:t4:

Had to do some google for that one… we end up going every week :frowning: Not good I know and an hour after you’ve eaten your hungry again :frowning:

I am a lid down kind of guy, I’m OCD about dust and don’t hear any difference with my antique ears but can certainly hear dust on the records.

Renew you wedding vows next year on your Naim anniversary date and that way you can celebrate both! A win-win situation Pete…


I’m not sure if Mrs Pete would agree with but I will run it past her to get a reaction and let know the outcome, if I’m still able to of course.

I can’t forget this years as I was reminded last week that’ll it will be our 25th. Think that just means I have to buy her something expensive.


Do you think she would like a ‘555 PS DR -The ultimate upgrade’ — Nothing like a 555 to say ‘I Love You!’


I’m surprised you lasted so long……

I’m not sure what to make of that Mike. :flushed:

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Funny women just don’t think like men you’ve only got to look at this forum, how many women do you know are active members.


It’s just a friendly jest. You should be very pleased with having a long and enduring marriage. Well done to you both.


I’m sure Mrs Pete probably is asking herself why. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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I’m sure she will be delighted with the Muso you bought for her anniversary present :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Yes one for 25 years and the second one I’ll hide in the storeroom for awhile. They both get delivered on Saturday morning. :grin:

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It was 38c here yesterday and we had a few grass fires around the place today it’s overcast and 22c.

Got to 26c here today. We’ve only started to get a decent spell of summer weather now.

Buying it for her would be hard to justify but maybe she should be buying you an anniversary present too in these days of equality. Tell her you don’t mind if it’s not silver.

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It’s a global trend, are Nikons any less a Nikon if made in China?

It seems Slovakia is appearing as the likely candidate , Germany , Slovakia and the Czech Republic all have good reputations for engineering.

I would love to let rip at the circumstances that led up to this , but won’t.

If the corporate culture can be ingrained and the engineering quality maintained …

I do buy Canon cameras and prefer models built in Japan but accept the constraints that led to manufacturing elsewhere.



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In the post Brexit world it makes complete sense for Naim to service the European markets, and probably some other markets, with a European manufacturing base. I very much doubt anyone in UK needs to worry about new products being imported as it wouldn’t make sense from a cost perspective.

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It will be interesting to do a price comparison between the UK and EU vis-à-vis prices.

We struggle with load shedding, basically our power supplier has been looting the coffers for a couple of decades and not maintaining the power infrastructure at all so we’re out of power 10 - 12 hours a day daily. It’s now the norm. Makes listening to the main rig a painful experience, knowing that I’m not getting the best sq, knowing the system hasn’t had sufficient time to warm up. That said, i must admit that my little JBL bluetooth speaker has been a lifesaver. Sounds pretty good too.

One always needs to look at the upside.

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