The Grand Cafe

Toronto’s okay right now. It’s kinda wierd, we get all kinds of news of s**t happening all around us, like flooding, and heavy snow where ther shouldn’t be, and ice storms, but we seem to be in some kind of pocket here where it’s all moderated. There isn’t any snow on the ground and it’s about 3 degrees celcius. Last week it was 10 degrees.
I always feel bad for the ones who are in the bad spots, but it’s not bad here at all.

Did you resolve your (family) legal issues?

Depends on what deal I could on the NDX2 and also I may use it with the 252/SCDR/SupercapDR down south later on

Decisions decisions

That new gear is somewhat over the top don’t you think ???

I don’t mind the look but I do mind the price they’re asking for 200 series gear. I’m almost to scared to imagine the price to upgrade based on what I have now the 300 stuff will more than likely start around $18ks

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At least probably more

I certainly wouldn’t want to take a bath on my 252 etc down south I would hate to think of the cross over price

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It’s funny you should mention that. We had a terrible phone meeting with our own estate lawyer who is trying to process the probate for my mother’s estate.
The lawyer who bought the practice from my mothers original lawyer is terrible and has lost some key original documents, so we may be in a situation where we’re right back at it. We’ll know more about where we exactly stand in the next few weeks. I’ll let you know when the lawyers have done their reseach.
Thanks for asking, Pete. It’s making us crazy, but y’know, what doesn’t kill ya makes you stronger …

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I think they’ve just kissed off the separates here, people just don’t have the money and those (well most) that do don’t have the time or the taste. They’ll just buy the Uniti/Muso stuff.

I’d be interested to know what the market is for the kind of hi fi we’ve been raised on. Kids these day generally aren’t interested.

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True bloody lawyers they generally don’t care it’s all about billable hours. We’ve got a son who’s struggling mentally and going through a divorce at present and the lawyers on both sides are having a field day. It really annoys me because both lawyers know the law and what’s right and wrong.

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No one’s kids or people in late 20’s/30’s plus that I know have no idea about our gear

Not interested at all

A rapidly declining market I would think

Bit sad really


Yep, it makes you wonder. And the lawyer rates have really increased over the last 10 years. Here, they are between $700 and $950 an hour.
Your son’s situation sounds very troubling. I feel so bad for people struggling with mental health issues. My yougest has similar problems, but she’s able to stay on top of them so far … she has a super husband that fully understands. Very lucky …

Our eldest son likes my stuff (and has the money) but he just thinks it too hard.

Our son wasn’t that lucky his partner just thought it was way too hard.

Well yeah, I guess I can understand that too. Not everyone is string enough emottionally.
My wife and I can take alot of s**t and not crack, but I think we’re the exception.

Well, it’s gone midnight here and I think I’ll try to get some sleep. Must be noon where you are, so g’day.
Probably talk tomorrow …

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Take care.

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Just noticed that the 252 has just been reduced to $10,075.00 That’s a saving of $5,425.00. The NDX2 is reduced from $11,950.00 to $8,365.00. Seems we’re getting screwed both ways.

252? It’s on sale here for $9,990. But the super cap is still full price.

Just had a look at the distributors website, think the problem (value wise) is they still have stock that they can’t sell. While people were waiting for their NDX2 in England during the pandemic I got mine in a week.

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Yeah sorry 252 numbers are a problem when you’re dyslexic. :grin:

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I’ve gone 2 days now with no changes to my set up Pete :sunglasses::+1::clap:


I’m very proud of you Mike, you should enjoy a cold beer as reward.